Destroy your brain..

Cian McLiam

Ye Olde Irish Tank Guy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
They arent moving... no, really they're not!

I hate this one most out of all of them ... even if you just stare at the middle black dot, everything arounds it just keeps moving!!! How I wish they'd stop :p

Gotta love it really though
Hmmmm, maybe looking at that through sleep deprived eyes wasn't such a good idea.

Can I get off the rollercoaster now please? I feel sick :sick:

I'm sooooooooooooooo using that on my desktop :fun:
I'm sooooooooooooooo using that on my desktop

Good idea, i've put it as my background too and see how long it takes me to go mad.... :fun:
blurr your eyes a bit and stare through them and they stop moving
Thats nuts, I couldnt stop looking at it. Im gonna print it and see if it does the same on paper.

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