Desired Levels For Rbp?


New Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Hi All,

I am two weeks into cycling a tank with red bellys. I will no longer be using the instant water test strips. I finally have an "API Freshwater Master Test Kit."

My question is: What are the desired levels that I should be trying to achieve in maintaining a healthy, livable environment for them?

Just looking for opinions/suggestions other than what is stated in the instruction booklet that came with the master test kit.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - around 20 or below

Wills :)
Agreed with willis.
Make sure you have some plants in their to settle their nerves.
Also you can use neon tetras as dithers, just make sure you don't mind losing some.
You need to do large enough and frequent enough changes to keep levels of ammonia and nitrite below 0.25 ppm but as others have said, zeros would be ideal.
Right, with big fellows like RBP you'll have your hands full the next few weeks keeping your ammonia and nitrite(NO2) in the narrow range between 0.0ppm and 0.25ppm before you can be home again to change water. WD
In this case if you are finding high levels of ammonia between possible water changes, you might invest in some Prime water conditioner and overdose the tank a bit with it. Prime will detoxify ammonia, effectively turning it into ammonium and helping you bridge the gap between water changes. It's a great tool in situations like these to ensure your fish aren't exposes to too much ammonia during this initial period. That is to say, it isn't to replace water changes, just making it a little easier to schedule them.

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