well i think they have changed the heaters they use now. They used to use a hang on tank heater, now they have an All-glass Aquarium branded heater "fully submersible". It took 2-3 days to bring my tank from upper 60's to 88. My whisper heater I have for my 10g has already gotten stuck on and it fried a fish I had quarantined, and he was getting better. I had it for no more than 2 days!!! I felt so guilty for so long after it happened . I had it set to 80 d and left him alone for a day or 2. He acted fine and then I found him dead! I nueked the water to 94-95 d . I still (when I think about it) feel so bad...wrs said:well I have a 55 from walmart and the 55 from petsmart. They are both great tanks, but the only thging is that the petsmart heater works better than the walmart one.
I also have the 29 from walmart, and it does have that white thing. And that tank was great as well. It has 20 watts of light though. I loved it. The tank.
I don't know if any one has noticed, but the filters that come with the whole deal pump water a lot better than the whispers and they cost less too. I was comparing yesterday for a 30/60 filter. 37 dollars for a whisper that pumps 300g/hr.
32 dollars for a 30/60 regent aqua~tech filter that pumps 330g/hr
The smaller pump's gaps are much smaller like 5/15 9gph(whisper) and 10gph (regent aqua~tech)
Although whisper has better deals on their filter replacement cartriges...
I also like the fact that the aerobics in the RAT are white so you can see the bacteria. W's are black and you can't see a thing!