Decisions, Decisions...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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I received a 10 gallon tank for my birthday in late January, seeded the filter material in a mature tank, put Seachem Black Fluorite as the substrate, added a bunch of plants, and popped in a barb from another tank to keep the filter bacteria alive.

The stocking I've been planning is:

2 peacock gudgeons
6 pygmy cories
3 sparkling gouramis

However now that the plants are starting to flourish and the time to actually get the fish is getting near, I can help but wonder about other things I could put in that tank instead. I want something really unique and interactive, but still fairly easy to keep. I've also been worrying about the gudgeons potentially being picky eaters... I don't want a $10 fish to starve itself to death.

Any suggestions? The barb will be going to his old tank when I get the new fish (poor guy, he thinks he's in heaven right now with the tank all to himself :lol: ) I have a betta boy, already, and also a tank of barbs and danios, so I don't really want any more of those fish.
Badis fish? Sparkling Gourami? If your LFS are good at rare stuff you could try some checkerboard cichlids, would be pretty interesting to have. You could try a lone dwarf cichlid like a female panduro apisto or a nannacara of some kind.
A nice tiny tank like that deserves a tiny fish. How about a colony of Xenophallus umbratilis, golden teddies or even some Heterandria formosa. Both are uncommon but easy care fish. I have a colony of each in its own 10 gallon tank.
One of my female Heterandria

One of my female teddies
I will look into some smaller cichlids like you said, Wills. The checkerboards are very cute.

I checked around and no place near me has either of the fish you mentioned, OldMan47. They are neat though!

I live about 1/2 hour from That Fish Place, That Pet Place, so that's where I was planning to head when I'm ready for fish. They have some really neat fish there, it makes me really wish I had the space and money for big tanks. Oh well.. someday.

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