Dead Angel But Wierd Position


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
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ok, we was away for the weekend and the fish were fed before i left friday and were fed again on the sunday, nothing special i tend to feed one day and leave the next anyways, i've gone to them tonight and as i'm watching the fish i noticed one of the angels are nowhere to be seen, i scoured all the hideholes and on the top but still no sign of him.

that is till i looked in the fake plant, right at the top in between the plants leaves there he was stone dead, and by the looks of it the other fish have had a good meal off of him too.

now what i find wierd was his position, if he had died of some reason is it not wierd how he seemed to end up? could he of gotten caught up in there and killed him? i tested the tank water quality and all seemed fine nitrates at 20 and ammonia, hard to say with the ammonia as it's not the exact colour for 0 but when i tested my tap water it was the same colour so cam to the conclusion that even if i did change the water it wouldn't of made a difference to the ammonia reading.

anyways, all the other fish are fine including his mate the other angel.

any idea's as to the cause of sudden death? he was the 2nd biggest fish in the tank under the rainbow shark, and he's never bothered the angels anyway
how old was he?
He could have just died in all honesty, sometimes they just do that for no obvious reason, had he been acting unwell at all before he died?
most fish when feeling ill they go to a nice spot to rest out of sight of the other fish. he might of done this and died there later and thats where it seemed so strange. later the other fish found him and made a meal out of him. if not that then what the other person has said.

Another thought i had was. He died and floated to the top (like most fish do) and the other fish was eating him causing him to go into the plants? i dont know how badly he was stucking within the plants so this though might be totaly wrong lol
If he was really deep in the plants he could've gotten wedged in there and died. When I was keeping fish a long long time ago I remember one of my fish died from getting wedged in between two leaves of a plant.
right a development, all my fish now have signs of something wrong.

if they havent got white spots they've got white edges to there fin tips, what is this and how do i sort this out, they dont seem to be acting any different as of yet just these white spots / fins

White spots could mean ich (white spot) frayed fins could be fin rot which can be linked to the ich.

google white spot and see of the spots look like any of the images.
Looks like white spot to me. Treat it with a white spot treatment. I have used waterlife protozin without any problems but whaterver your local fish shop has should be fine.

Are they flicking or rubbing on the decorations?

What temperature is your tank set to?

white spot cannot transfer to humans as far as I am aware. It is a very common aquarium illness.

Check to see that you can use the treatment you choose with the fish you have in your tank, with protozin you cannot use it with rays or mormyrids, and use a half dose with scaleless fish.
Looks like white spot to me. Treat it with a white spot treatment. I have used waterlife protozin without any problems but whaterver your local fish shop has should be fine.

Are they flicking or rubbing on the decorations?

What temperature is your tank set to?

white spot cannot transfer to humans as far as I am aware. It is a very common aquarium illness.

Check to see that you can use the treatment you choose with the fish you have in your tank, with protozin you cannot use it with rays or mormyrids, and use a half dose with scaleless fish.

thanks it looks like it to me from google pics of white spot, got to be honest, the fact that the spots are the later stages of it, and for the past 2 weeks or more my arms have been itching alot, which made me think have a contracted some of it somehow!! i've just turned the tank up, i've read increasing it up to 82f helps. gonna pick up some medication in the morning.

thanks for the help
You need to slowly raise the temperature of the tank by maybe 1 or 2 degrees a day, raising it rapidly can shock the fish and kill them.
king british white spot remover added and 30% water change done.

it says to redose every 48 hours, should i change do any water changes with that?
king british white spot remover added and 30% water change done.

it says to redose every 48 hours, should i change do any water changes with that?

Dont do any water changes whilst you are medicating unless the medicine bottle tells you to. How many days do you have to dose for?
every 48 hours, untill symptoms subside, then last dose 48 hours after all clear with 10% change. right make sense really

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