Slow and steady wins the race here Big C!! Give it time and it will all come right
Your not kidding, You have to posess a high level of patience on this side of the fence.
Well here's another pic to show you where I'm at presently.

I have installed some Macro Algae (left) as sent to me by littleme. I also had some other Macro type but it went white in transit so I decided against using it. When that left side grows a bit more I plan to crop it somewhat and transfer some to the right hand corner, this should frame the picture nicely.
pH is still a tad low and I am performing 10% waterchanges daily to try and get it on an even keel. Other than that, the CUC seem to be doing their bit (slowly) I have lost a few blue legged hermits, I put this down to them being extra small when recieved from seller. but alas I still have quite a few that have swopped their shells for a larger homes and these are doing fine. They use the rockwall as a sort of gymnasium. Up and down and the occasional leap of fate to the gravel bed.
Soon be time for corals me thinks,
