OK so an update, of sorts.
Basically I got lazy, tank got neglected, uni took up too much time, I got a weekend job, so when I was home I was working.
Tanks still cost me plenty of money though, the internal filter went so got replaced with a new flual U4, which in my opinion is a very nice filter and seems much less obtrusive than the last one. And the heater went so got replaced with a Hagen External heater, which again I can't fault, great peace of kit, so much better than an internal heater, 300W has never failed to keep the tank up to temp all winter
It seems my sole black widow tetra discovered a taste for cherry shrimp, so we went from an invasion, to none.
CO2 ran out, so I've cut the light down to just the 1 36W T8 tube and reduced the fertilizer right down.
However, since this tank is in the middle of my parents living room, I'm kinda under pressure to give them the desired planted tank, and actually get some fish into it. Plus I have a kilo of potassium nitrate to use.
So if I can I'll get some pictures of the tank soon, it honestly doesn't look too bad, I spruced it up the other day and it has some reasonably healthy plant life.
However, I guess the exciting news is that although I haven't fully decided on stock for the tank I did buy some fish today
So the tank now has
5 harlequin rasbora
5 Congo Tetras
and 2 (tiny) Bristlenose Plecs
I'm hoping to get some more CO2 in the next couple of days and actually get the tank planted properly, with some proper plants.
So a mini update, hopefully the next one won't take me 8 months and I'll have some pictures do so I can get some help with planting and stocking suggestions.