Daize's 35L Jungle Tank

I had fun digging through a huge box of roots at my LFS for that! :)
The base is all one piece of wood but there are two additional twisty twigs that I arranged and stuck on to the main piece.
This is looking really good!  I am going to be doing my 35l again as it's more swamp than tank right now!  can't wait to see this one develop further!
Excellent I'll look forward to seeing your new journal!
I haven't been giving this tank as many water changes as I intended - running three tanks simultaneously is taking a lot of my time!  Result is a little bit more algae than I would like.  I hope to get some shrimp in soon and they can have a feast! :lol:
Lovely tank there Daize, another winner. Love the plants, shall have to give aqua essentials a look see
Sadly this tank never got off the ground for several reasons.  I persevered with it a long time but I'm going to be taking it down this week.
1) Three tanks is too much for me and I want some of my time back.
2) The branches are an absolute nightmare for maintenance.  I can't stick my hand/net/siphon in anywhere and the back is totally inaccessible.
3) I don't think the ArcPod lighting on this Arcadia tank is really suitable for plants.  The lighting is strongly biased in the centre and weak at the sides.  I ended up with a lovely moss canopy in the centre of the tank at the top but it blocked light to the rest of the tank so the other plants suffered.
4) I don't think I'd ever see the shrimp in this tank.  One day I'd like to try again but using a simpler design for better visibility of shrimp.
5) I'm battling algae in all three tanks right now, this one has got BBA and I'm calling it a day - enough is enough!
Thanks for the support, sorry I never really got this one working!
Aw so sorry to hear that Daize! It was a lovely tank. I hope you can get the other two under control :)
Absolutely sympathise and completely understandable as I went thorough a very similar scenario not long ago.
Hope you'll get the desire back again when the other two tanks gets under control and very good luck with your battle against algae.
Let us know how you get on with your other tanks ;)
Thanks for the comments!
BettaBrightEyes said:
Really love what you have planned!
I would love to see how it all turns out!
This tank was a bit of a struggle and has been shut down now so that I can concentrate on my other two tanks.  Here's one of the final photos so you can see how it ended up (a bit messy!):
daizeUK said:
Thanks for the comments!
Really love what you have planned!
I would love to see how it all turns out!
This tank was a bit of a struggle and has been shut down now so that I can concentrate on my other two tanks.  Here's one of the final photos so you can see how it ended up (a bit messy!):
I really love how it's all concentrated on one side.
I feel like if you added small fish, such as tetras for example, it would compliment the "grandeur" (size ratio) of it.
I like the plants you chose as well, it looks like vines and it gives a more natural feel to it. Very nice! Do you think you would ever add some red plants for contrast? Or even tiny rocks?
Thanks Betta.  No red plants but I did try to add different varieties of cryptocoryne for colour variation.  I do like the idea of tiny rocks but couldn't find any to suit!
I think tetras would be too big for this tank as it's only 45cm wide but I was tempted by a shoal of tiny fish such as celestial pearl danio's or endlers.  The main idea was purely a shrimp breeding tank though.
I may resurrect this tank at some time in the future as I'd still love to breed shrimp but I have no plans at the moment.

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