Daize's 35L Jungle Tank

Plants have turned up!

Way too many for this tiny little tank! :lol:  Hopefully I'll find space in my other tanks for any remainder.
These are all plants that I wanted to try, plants that interest me and I want to have a bash at growing.  This was a higher priority for me than choosing plants that especially suit the aquascape.
So we've got 
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya'
Cryptocoryne legroi
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Lindernia rotundifolia (this was my one impulse buy)
Bolbitus heudelotii
Lobelia cardinalis dwarf (I've already got the standard version and love it, wanted to give the dwarf version a try)
Eleocharis acicularis
Bacopa australis
Staurogyne repens (tried this before and managed to kill it, want another try!)
...plus some excess crypts at the front that I just tore out of my 64L.
Now please excuse me while I figure out what to do with it all! 
Thats a nice list of plants you have, never too many for one tank 

As you're doing yeast co2 method, what lights are you using out of curiosity?
Gonna be nice little tank.
Very lovely selection of plants! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)
I like the variety of leaf shapes and sizes. Will make for a lovely contrast with the driftwood. Wish my LFS had such variety.
Thanks for all the interest guys, much appreciated!
Ch4rlie said:
As you're doing yeast co2 method, what lights are you using out of curiosity?
It's the standard 11W Arc Pod lamp that comes with Arcadia tanks.  I want to keep the lighting very low initially so it's limited to about a 5 hour photoperiod to get started.
brittgs said:
I like the variety of leaf shapes and sizes. Will make for a lovely contrast with the driftwood. Wish my LFS had such variety.
I'm so lucky to have a great LFS within a few minutes drive - actually there are several within easy driving distance of me.  I was in the closest today (rehoming more platy babies :rolleyes:) and the selection of plants, wood and rocks they had in there was knockout.  I could spend a fortune, if I had any space left in my tanks...!
These plants however I ordered online from AquaEssentials.
This is what we've got at the moment - I used about a third of the plants in this tank (a little of each!) and the rest in my other two tanks.

This is the hydrocotyle pearling, for the first and last time... aww poor plant, doesn't know what's about to hit it, nothing ever pearls in my tanks!

I had CO2 bubbling nicely out of shiny new glass diffuser, drop checker was showing a lovely shade of green and I was really pleased UNTIL I BROKE the diffuser :sob: .... so now I have no CO2 to speak of and have to order a new diffuser :'(
Stunning!!! Sorry about the diffuser D:
Is there going to be a background on this? Doesn't need one with how beautiful it's scaped but I was just curious.
Sorry about the diffuser man!! Looks amazing though.
It has a frosted film backing and I'm going to look into some options for backlighting.
Well there's a happy ending to the diffuser hiccup - I've had a Fluval ceramic diffuser lying around unused because I've never been able to get it to work with yeast CO2 but I stuck it in there out of desperation and it's working!  It just needs a few hours to build up sufficient pressure.  It's producing a much finer mist of bubbles than the glass nano diffuser did.
Alasse said:
Very very nice!!
Thanks Alasse!

The plants are doing very well - growing rampantly in fact - I'm just keeping an eye to see what will need trimming or moving elsewhere.  The bacopa is exploding vigorously and I don't want it to overtake the tank.
Only the Lindernia rotundifolia is doing badly - that'll teach me to give in to impulse purchases!  I should know better than to put my faith in sales descriptions!
In the meantime I'm fine tuning CO2 and watching life blossom uninvited.  Mmm, nematodes, anyone?


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