D I Y Canister Filter

Sure! I actually have a 3 day weekend in terms of being off from work. I might be able to assemble another one. This will take only a few days so It should be done by wedensday. I could send you one. I will likely only make you pay for the cost of the included items, et.c so It won't excede 40 or so dollars. I'll see what I can do. :good:
ok thankyou! i dunno if i want one yet but if you make one and your not usin it i might just take it off your hands 8)
Any chance of pictures?

Building a cannister isn't the hardest thing in the world. Forcing the water to pass over the media and not bypass it is the real skill.
Yeah and thats the art that I'm working on. I think I have a good little idea going on in terms of water flow in one general direction. I'll show you when I get pics going here. Also I need to find some baskets of some sort for media. THe best idea may be just having one large canister filled wih bioballs. That may be the cheapest and most effective route to go and it will be all the bio filtration you could ever need.
It woule be better the have a way to drian the water out the tank so gravity is doing one of the jobs for you.
Something like this


Thanks! that was exactly what i was looking for. I wanted to use one canister filter on two tanks (one above the other) but couldnt figure out a way to drain water form the top tank to the bottom one that wouldnt result in a flood and one drained tank if the filter pump failed. This sorts the problem out perfectly and no having to drill a hole in the top tank!
Yeah currently I am trying to recieve 5 free buckets with tops from my moms friend who owns a bakery. It will take longer than I expected. And I keep pushing this back, but once I finally have the stuff needed, this will take no more than 2 days to do. SO I'm hoping next week.
There is a little nursery near my house that sells huge cannister tanks for ponds. They DIY out of plastic plumbing pipes and they use a large plastic bin lined with filter pads. They sell it for around $100 each. Your's would probably sell at $10-20 at the most.
10 dollars doesn't cover the cost to make it. If I sold it I'd probably sell it to specific people who ask like Lhutch and at the price of whats included. A powerhead will be included and that itself costs at least 20 dollars. SO it will never be less that 20.
I'm finally starting this because the buckets arrived. I will work on part of it tommorw, mostly the flow system. And when I can get the parts for the inside, I'll construct the dual chambers and add media. Until then it will just have to be the parts visible to the naked eye working.
i would love to see pics aswell !!!!!

i have been watching this topic for ages waiting for photos!!! - i might try it myself!


yea i live in rhode island so i might want one, i am going on vaca in a few days, try and get some picks up i wanna see if its worth while
Grrr I keep having small setbacks. SOrry for the delays. But as soon as I get my paycheck, I'm going to go get some plexiglass that I need, some Lumber for a lizard cage that I am building, and some other doodads. I know your all itching for pics. :drool:

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