D.I.Y breeding tank in comm tank?


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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My sister has her own tank now, and I read a fish book talking about putting a floating small plastic box/bottle in the tank (live bearers). The idea is simply to put the female live bearer inside the box/bottle. Then, after the female live bearer has laid her babies, you fish her out then put her back inside the actual tank. Btw, I might attach sticky tape to the side of the tank; next to the heater. :unsure:

The idea above is a bit modified by me, but..will it work?
You talk of the floating breeder trap. Yes there are many designs including ones that clip on the side of the tank. I have the floating one, its just a square floating plastic dish with very small slits in it to let in tank water.

Yes the idea works, well it has for me and my guppys.
I had to cover my breeding trap as my guppy managed to jump out and back into the main tank.....

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