Cynotilapia Afra Question

you could try Cynotilapia Afra 'Chiwindi' has the females are not a dull grey colour :thumbs:

Thanks for the info :good: I'll check them out and see who stocks them.

Well, the order went in today, finally!!! Hope this works as well as I think.....

3-Labidochrimis caeruleus "Nkhata Bay"

3-Pseudrotropheus sp. Red Zebra

4- Cynotilapia Afra "Jalo Reef"

4- Cynotilapia Afra New North Reef "Hara Afra"

6- Iodotropheus sprengerae "Rusty"

Looked for a variety of color while trying to keep relatively mild grouping. I know the Zebra's could be a little feisty, but I'm hoping there are enough in there to spread out any aggression. If anyone can think of any reasons, other than having 2 Cyno species together, that this stocking would be problematic, please comment. Order could be revised.

Good to see Steve,Dont forget pics :)

The list is good, the only issue may well be the labs and zebra's, sometimes known to interbreed with one another. Thats not to much of an issue, so everything looks good, you excited :hyper: lol?
Good to see Steve,Dont forget pics :)

The list is good, the only issue may well be the labs and zebra's, sometimes known to interbreed with one another. Thats not to much of an issue, so everything looks good, you excited :hyper: lol?

Can't wait :fun: I should get info on shipment tomorrow and probably looking for delivery around thursday. I talked with the shop owner and he said once they get the order, they pull the fish from their tanks and keep them together for about 2 days before shipping them out. They also cut the feeding the second day to keep the water as clean as possible during shipping. Hopefully everything goes to plan :good: I'll keep my eye on the Labs and Zebras. I know I can't stop crossbreeding so if they do, I probably wont try to protect the fry. :sad:

MY FISH ARE INNNNNNNNNNN :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I guess I'm a little excited :fun: but having to wait out a fishless cycle and then the stress of ordering fish on-line, I'm ready to start fish gazing!!!!!! They all look very nice an healthy. All about 1.5 to 2 inches. Good colors for their size and pretty active for fish that went to bed last night in a shop and woke up in new home :good: Will post some pics either later tonight or first thing in the morning. Just letting them relax for now.

Everyone seems to be settling in nicely :good: All are eating fine and for the most part getting along. I do expect some sorting out of territories but otherwise I have not noticed much aggression yet. They actually seemed to be all shoaling together after they went in :lol: I know that wont last long! Unfortunately, my daughter borrowed my camera for the day so the pics will have to wait until later :look:

Congratulations on the new fish :) looking forward to pics to! :D
OK.... finally got my camera back. These aren't the best (neither is the camera!!) but here they are....

Red Zebra


Nkhata Bay Lab.

Cyno Jalo Reef

Cyno Hara Afra


All seem to be doing very well and now their personalities are coming out :good: Although, I didn't expect the Rustys to be the bosses. I figured the Zebras would be the aggressive ones staking out their territories.


Just an update after first week. I am really enjoying watching the interaction of these guys/girls. They come to the surface more than I thought they would for feeding. They tend to use the whole tank from the middle down which is nice to see. The are still staking out their territories but it does appear that the Rustys are running the roost. Getting ready for my first WC so should be interesting to see how they react.

I didn't know they where in :eek:
Looking great steve, great fish :good: They should be fine with their first WC.
Thanks MMD. Really glad I decided to do Mbuna :good: I'm looking forward to seeing them color up and mature. So far, so good with aggression. No real bad stuff as of yet. Hopefully it stays that way.


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