

I love the irony that you work in a pet shop and don't know what it is! :lol:

Sorry it's just people are always going on about how LFS workers, especially the chains do not know the simple things and so the customers leave unaware also.

Anyways, you are here which is great!

There is a pinned topic in the beginners forum about twhat it is but basically it is the process of building up the good bacteria that convert amonia into nitrIte and nitrIte into nitrAte.

Hope this thread helps Link

True story! I'm sure that Cheese meant only to help you learn. Don't take offense, we all need to learn here. I knew that something wonderful was going on in my tanks in the first few months but not what it was... (many years ago now) Now I know more what to look for and how to help it along. I'm so glad you are here! :D

You'll find that you will learn lots of stuff to teach management there! :lol: (though they may not like it when you find out how many of the products sold in these places are a waste of money ;)

Also look into fishless cycling.
I also work at a petsmart and I think its sad that you have worked there 6 months and don't know what cycling is. Do you work in the aquatics section or are you just a cashier? I can understand if this isnt the section you are working in but cycling you should have learned from the books you have to complete.
I would love to work at a petstore but all the jobs are taken by teenage girls that are afraid of half the animals there... makes no sence...
she is obviously smart enough to come to the right place for the correct information. lets not be so hard on her. knowing about fish has nothing to do with collecting a paycheck to pay for your own gas to get you from point a to point b. and that could be exactly the reason why many people take up jobs in petstores. for the convenience of perhaps the hours, etc. not because they are enthusiasts. the blame shouldn't rest on the employees but rather the chains themselves that can and do not educate their workers sufficiently. i think she is going above and beyond her required duty. good for her.

count them...two cents.
Thanx ZeddsDead! Shizat: I do work in the aquatics section. I knew next to nothing before I started working there so I've learned A LOT. Considering all the animals and procedures we have to learn about, after 6 months, I'm still learning. Those damn books are stupid and worthless. I forgot everything from the books. The best way to learn is to watch the other workers and learn from them. So I only know what my co-workers have told me. I know about beneficial bacteria, but no one refers to it as cycling. So, no, it's not sad.
PETsMARTchick said:
Thanx ZeddsDead! Shizat: I do work in the aquatics section. I knew next to nothing before I started working there so I've learned A LOT. Considering all the animals and procedures we have to learn about, after 6 months, I'm still learning. Those damn books are stupid and worthless. I forgot everything from the books. The best way to learn is to watch the other workers and learn from them. So I only know what my co-workers have told me. I know about beneficial bacteria, but no one refers to it as cycling. So, no, it's not sad.
gotta learn somewhere, we all didnt learn overnight. If you have any questions just ask, we all will be glad to help.
PETsMARTchick, I've been in this hobby over 35 years and I still love to read all I can get my hands on concerning it, I still learn new things all the time, I still find fish at the LFS that I have never seen before, and I love coming to this forum asking and helping to answer questions!! I love the Petsmart in my city, hope that all the employees there are as dedicated to learning about fish as you are.......I too am glad you are here!! :D :D :D

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