

New Member
Aug 19, 2006
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western australia
i have kept successful reefs before but i dont know what is goign on in this one.
firstly i added live sand which i got from a reef, then i added my water which i bought from a local fish store (already cycled) then i added my live rock.i got some snails, and crabs and some nitrate eating plants like colerpra in which i found living organisms like copopods.
i thought this is sweet i should be able to add fish in soon, a few days after a smell was coming from my tank so i tested it and the ammonia was sky high so i took out all of the colerpra and the things i got from the ocean except the live sand. i took out all of the water and went and replaced it with more cycled water, i waited for a few days and tested my water again, the results i got where ammonia was 0.1 nitrite was 0.5 and nitrate was 40ppm so the ammonia dropped but nitrate rose i am really unsure why i'm getting these results, i only have 1 fish in there and i'm really suprised it has survived, it is a bi-color blenny
Is your liverock uncured or cured?

If it is uncured liverock then what happens with uncured LR is alot of the living critters die in transport to your aquarium now they are rotting which is feeding the good bacteria in your tank all in all just be patient the whole process usually takes about a month atleast in the meantime dont add any lifestock to your tank. Even cured liverock may have some die off too.
Agreed, something's rotting in your tank. Either from the uncured LR or the LS. Patience is a virtue.

What is your input water source too btw? Hope its RO :shifty:
Agreed, something's rotting in your tank. Either from the uncured LR or the LS. Patience is a virtue.

What is your input water source too btw? Hope its RO :shifty:

my input water was 25m deep from a reef it is already cycled, i bout it from a fish store.
i found my problem, it was in the live sand, there nitrate made a home for itself there. problem is fixed

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