Cycling To Fast?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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I started cycling my tank this past monday and from monday to friday ammonia was 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. Saturday was 2-3, and this morning it was 0. I added more ammonia this morning untill it was at 4 again, and I just tested it now (Its 5:05 pm) and it was already at 0! Should it be being proccesed this fast? Just to let you know, nitrites and nitrates are VERY high.
Just wanted to ask: On all the filter media that is supposed to have bacteria have brown on it. Is this bacteria or dirt?
I read that before posting my question. I don't get how bacteria can process ammonia so slowly, and then go superfast!
Ok didn't know if you had read it.
If its going fast I wouldn't worry about it.
When it stalls.
I'm not going to read through the article again as I have many times before, but I think after the nitrites drop and the nitrates raise your supposed to do a large water change.The brown stuff on the filter would be mostly poo, just wash it in the tanks water.If you were to do it in tapwater the chlorine may kill the bacteria off.
It couldn't be poo as i am doing a fishless cycle. The temp right now is at 86-90. I think that is warm enough!
Yes it is, need alot of aeration then.
Good luck.
My filter is making lots of bubbles. I have an extra air pump and airline, but no airstone. Should I put that in?
I would best to have alot of circulation in a cycling tank.
Okay, I guess that means put it in! I will tomorow morning. Thanks for the help!
It sounds fine. The reason ithappens so quickly at times is that the bacteria are doubling every 6 to 24 hours. So the amount they process is doubling in that same time frame. You should be fine. Just add about 2 or 3 ppm once a day (no use to do it every time it drops) and the nitrite should take a couple weeks.

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