Cycling Time Vs. Gallons Ratio


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2006
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could someone list the amount of time it takes to cycle different tank sizes Ex. 1gallon:3 days(probably wrong) i have a 10 gallongoing thru a cycle now
Hiya and welcome to the board, ask a mod to move this to the biginners section, good luck, mods name in blue at the bottom of the forum.
Welcome!!!I don't think there's a scientific formula,but my brother got a 10 gallon that took about a month to cycle.However,he didn't have too many fish in it.
If you have 3-4 fish in there to cycle it,it would probably take about 3 weeks.If you have 2,I'd guess 1 month.
Then again,it can also depend on the size of the fish.The time varies.
If you use the fish I recomend for cycling(3 zebra danios and a swordtail)that would be 3 weeks.But I'm guessing you don't have those exactly,so if you want an average, 3 weeks is my guess. sorry tis is a bit long,but there's alot of factors.
It really depends on the specific conditions in the tank! You need a water test kit to monitor the conditions daily! that's the only sure way to know if a tank is cycled. Need to see an amonia spike followed by a nitrate and nitrite spike. When all have peaked you're ready!

I'd never trust a time frame! Just test the water!

Good Luck


P.S. you can use fish to cycle the tank, or you could use fish food which will decay into ammonia. the effect will be the same, I use frozen food pellets to cycle! That way there's no dead fish!

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