Cycling So Far

Results now 20:00

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 1.0ppm
Nitrate 40ppm
pH 7.8

What do you think? Shall i bump the ammonia back up to 2.0ppm, or wait till tomorow morning?

Bearing in mind i added Ammonia this morning.
When you are in this situation (ammonia now processing down correctly, waiting for nitrite spike I guess), most of us talking on the forum lately have been saying to try and restrain yourself to only one add of ammonia per day, even though you are processing ammonia down to zero in less than the 24 hours of the day.

There was a post where RDD responded to a member about this and seemed to say that was his intention, a "maintenance dose" of ammonia to maintain the ammonia-oxidizing-bacteria, but keeping things very low so that nitrites won't go to such high levels so quickly when it does spike.

If you already did another add for the day though, I don't think it would make enough difference to worrry about certainly, sort a gray area I would say.

Didnt add any more ammonia last night.
Monday 28th April,
Brought Ammonia up to 1.0ppm
Nitrite 0.25

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 1.0ppm

I will not add any more Ammonia till tomorow morning, before work.

Cheers for all the help so far. :good:

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