Cycling Question

congrats martyn.

just a quick query (as i have the same tank as you) - how long before the first stage? i.e. the ammonia dropped to 0

i've just finished week 1, with no change in ammonia.


When i get home I'll look at my stats (I've wrote it down)

It added ammonia on the 6 May.

Hi Simonmac2,

Its been processing ammonia from about day 14 of cycling. It can depend tho. My last tank (60l) cycled in 6 weeks).

I were adding ammonia every 12 hours on my cycle and found out from Miss Wiggle that you should add ammonia every 24 hours. If i had been doing it correctly then my tank could have been cycled sooner but you cannot predict a cycle.

I'm pleased now that my tank is cycled. i will give my tank until wednesday (continue adding ammonia at night until i get half day off work to do a large water change to get the nitrates down then off to the pet shop to get some fish). I've asked my manager for half day wednesday (I'm currently running the IT Helpdesk until a manager is hired). I cannot see any problem (having half day).

I will post some pics once fishes are in their home.

Hi everyone,

Well I did the big water change which took just over a hour then went to the pet shop and bought some fish.
I got 2 Green thick Lipped Gouramis
2 Golden Gouramis
6 Serpae tetras
a free Zebra Danio (Going to get a few more as they need to be in a group)

When the fish are settled I'll talk a few pics.

Next week I will add to german Rams to the tank.

The thick lips I think (though I'd wait for confirmation on this) get too large for a 180l. If my memory serves correctly, they get to about 8-9inches.... :/

Zebora danios do need a group, so getting more is a good move :nod:

I'd wait untill the 6month mark before adding the German Blue Rams, as they require a mature (no just cycled) tank :good:

Otherwise all looking good stocking-wise, and that should make a good display :nod:

Hi everyone,

Video added - yay I'm really pleased that at long last I now have fish.
BTW thick lipped gourami grows to 8/9cm and not 8 inches. The are a cross breed with the dwarf gourami.

Any suggested tank companions are welcome.

Yes I still need to get a background and I will soon.



Tank with fish
Sorry, I'm mistaken. All looks fine for now then :nod:

All the best

EDIT to add, just watched the video, and the tank is looking good :nod:
Thanks Rabbut.

I'm really pleased with my tank. Really need to get a background picture now.

Eventually I will get some cory cats too.

Thanks Rabbut.

I'm really pleased with my tank. Really need to get a background picture now.

Eventually I will get some cory cats too.


Try just a plain black or blue background; with a decent selection of plants and fish, it'll show off their colours like you wouldn't believe.
Black is best, or a very dark blue IMO. Light blue shows the algea and means you have to clean the walls to keep things looking good. Black hides it. Out of sight, out of mind :good: Also, the darker the colour the more intence the fish colours get once settled :nod:

All the best
Thx Rabbut for the tip.

I need to find a place now that has one that will cover the back of my tank.

Well the fish have been in the tank for 2 days now and they are exploring the tank and settling in ok.
Is it just my experience or are serpae tetras greedy?

Martyn (yay it's friday)

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