Cycling My 40 Gallon Tank - Beginner.


Mostly New Member
Jan 23, 2014
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I am beginning a cycle on my new 40 gallon tank. I have never done this before, so some tips are welcomed! I filled it up last night and added about two capfuls of Tetra AquaSafe + (it was recommended on the bottle that one capful will treat approx. 20 gallons of tap water) and have had my filter and heater running. I set my heater to keep the temp steady at 82 degrees (which it is currently at and has been for a few hours now). I just got back from the local dollar store with some pure ammonia (no additives, perfumes, coloring, etc.) and added two capfuls of it. After doing research, i found that the ammonia levels should be kept around 4-5 ppm in the initial stage? Like i said, this is all from what i have read, so if anyone has other advice please let me know! 
I also tested the pH levels (im not sure if they matter at this stage of cycling) and they seem to be anywhere between 7.2 to 7.6. Thanks everyone for future help! I am going to check the ammonia levels in a few minutes!
P.S, i am using the API master freshwater kit
Hello! This will help you. Please check for ammonia, and the pH of your water. 
This will help you see how much ammonia you need :D (set calculator to 3ppm, ammonia one is at the bottom of the page) 
Happy cycling!
EllieJellyEllie said:
Hello! This will help you. Please check for ammonia, and the pH of your water. 
This will help you see how much ammonia you need
(set calculator to 3ppm, ammonia one is at the bottom of the page) 
Happy cycling!
Thanks again for your help!!
Sounds like you are off to a great start. Would love to see some pics of what you have going
Barb-barian said:
Sounds like you are off to a great start. Would love to see some pics of what you have going
Thanks, i have a few pictures posted in my journal section if you want to take a look :)
Barb-barian said:
Thanks found them. What fish are you going for?
Honestly at this point im still not sure. I'm leaning toward south american chichlids or african chichlids. Still waiting for my tank to cycle = /
Update: i noticed that over the past two days my pH level dropped SIGNIFICANTLY from 8.1 two days ago to 6.2 today. I added water yesterday that i added a dechlorinator to, any ideas? i also added a few artificial plants to the tank yesterday. Temp is a steady 84 degrees. I also just got a top for my tank yesterday.
What is the dechlor you are using?
Not sure on the Ph drop wish i could help
rcampbel04 said:
Thanks found them. What fish are you going for?
Honestly at this point im still not sure. I'm leaning toward south american chichlids or african chichlids. Still waiting for my tank to cycle = /
 on the cichlids matter though.  I fell in love with mine.  i keep Africans mbunas and they are pretty interesting to watch.  very playful and love to chase each other.  luckily they dont ever do anything once they catch up to the other fish just kinda go find something else to do.

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