New Member
Thank you. I called small local Boots who don't sell it. Larger store I tried has it in stock for £1.79 for 500ml bottle. Collecting it later as they are open until 8pm.
Thank you. I called small local Boots who don't sell it. Larger store I tried has it in stock for £1.79 for 500ml bottle. Collecting it later as they are open until 8pm.
Added the ammonia last night to both our new setups as both were showing 0 ammonia levels. My wifes tank showed 0 nitrite and 10 nitrate before I added it. Took it up to 5-6ppm and it is about 4ppm 12 hours later. So keep checking it until it goes to 0 ?
My tank showing 6-8ppm of ammonia after adding it last night, no real change this morning. My nitrite was 0.25 and nitrate 10-20 before adding ammonia. Will check levels again this evening.
Been adding the ammonia to bring it up to 5ppm and now for the first time my wifes tank has 0ppm ammonia after 12 hours. Nitrite is 2, nitrate is 5-10. So I take it we need to add more ammonia again and check until both ammonia and nitrite are 0 then do water change and add fish?
My tank is still showing 2ppm ammonia after 12 hours, dropping to 0ppm after 24 hours. However my tank has got algae growing on the front, some of the gravel and a rock appear to be gone rusty in the last 12 hours too. Is this normal or any reason?
Start off with some tetra neons (4) then add a pair of dwarf gourami's the following week or so.