Cycling A Tank....


Apr 19, 2006
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Atlanta, Georgia, US
So I'm going to be getting a 30g tank from a friend.... Just wondering on how I would go about doing this... Yes I am a beginner, and I want it to eventually be planted and have real wood in it. Please give me advice and suggestions on all of these...
I'd suggest a sand setup, then, if you want to keep plants.

As for cycling, I've always done it with fish, since it is simpler and cheaper (never had fish fatalities). Cycling with fish, I'd sugegst that you cycle with fish you want to keep and which are relatively hardy. However, if you want to do it without fish, you culd purchase ammonia to cycle your tank. It's your call.
im right behind you on that one tempestousfury. yes it is easier and cheaper. i too have cycled all three of my tanks the same way and had no problems (deaths).
what sort of fish are you planning to put into the tank??
im right behind you on that one tempestousfury. yes it is easier and cheaper. i too have cycled all three of my tanks the same way and had no problems (deaths).
what sort of fish are you planning to put into the tank??

how do you cycle with fish?
you just wait for the filter to mature while doing constant water changes?
That's the thing, I don't really know. I'm looking for advice on everything pretty much... Just list some nice hardy fish and I'll do a google image search... But yeah, if it's cheaper I'll probably go with cycling with fish.
I cycled my tank with 4 red wagtailed platys, and added 5 lemon tetras when the tank had cycled.

The platys were reccomended as being good hardy fish for cycling a tank and this has proved to be the case.

Get yourself a good liquid testing kit and keep on top of the water stats. I tested the water every other day
whilst the tank was cycling and changed at least 10% of the water every other day.

You just have to be ready for fry with platys as they breed very easily. I have 2 males and 2 females and think both females are preggie! Plus keep a ratio of 2 females to 1 male if possible so the females don't get stresses by the males.

Good luck with the tank and your fish

Billy the Fish

I just got a 20g tank, I was planning on doing a fishless cycle (bought ammonia especially) but went to the lfs on easter monday for airpump and came back with 4 mickey mouse platys. 3 female 1 male. Fish are doing really well. I just wanted to know can anyone tell me how far through cycling I am? I test the water daily and by day three (when I got kit) ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were all through the roof!! I have been doing at least a 20% water change a day, did two yesterday. Here are my recent results:

ammonia 0
nitrite 0.1mg/l
nitrate 12.5mg/l

have seen them go as high as:

ammonia 2.0mg/l
nitrite 4.0mg/l
nitrate 100mg/l highest reading

any ideas where I am on the cycle
I will probably be doing a cycling with fish, if it's cheaper? And I don't want livebearers. I don't need that many fry. ummmm.... I was thinking Zebra Danios? And what kind of snails or cleanup crew could I add?

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