Cycling a 10 Gallon tank with filter media from a 29 gallon tank.

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Jul 8, 2021
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St Louis, MO
I am new to posting here and apologize if this question has been asked at some point.

I have lurked and read this forum for many months while going through the ups and downs of beginning to get into this hobby.

I have used the filter media from one of my two established Aqueon 10 filters to rapidly cycle a smaller 10 gallon tank.

Quick summary

I have a 29 Gallon tank at home that was fully cycled PROPERLY thanks to the information I obtained from this forum. (Thank you all by the way, such a great resource!)

29 Gallon Tank
(Established OCT of 2020) has two Aqueon 10 Quiet Flow Filters. Water parameters have been great and stable since cycle and stocking. No fish loss at all!

7 Serpae Tetras
7 Neon Tetras
5 Zebra Danios
2 Dwarf Gouramis (Male and Female) There has been enough cover and hiding space and this pair has been great and thrived)
1 Lemon Pleco
3 Ghost Shrimp

I have now branched out to set up a 10 gallon tank in my office at work. I have a couple of questions for the experts:

I have set up the 10 gallon tank. I put in some pure ammonia into the tank to begin the cycle. I raised the level to 3ppm of Ammonia. I then added a full used filter media from one of the Aqueon 10 filter from the established tank. Within four hours the ammonia levels went down and i began to register Nitrite readings. By the end of the day (12 hours) Nitrite has lowered and I am registering Nitrates in significant levels to assume the cycle is in full tilt.

* Is this accurate? Is this tank cycled in just at 48 hours with the used media from the established tank?
* Should I fully stock the 10 gallon tank immediately for fear of losing the bacteria levels from the larger 30 gallon tank?

Thanks for any and all help.
I would think so. I have done this several times, and without the ammonia.
I usually add a couple rocks and plants from the "Mother" tank. Maybe a handful of gravel, too.
I always keep a used, (rinsed in tank water first), filter cartridge or used carbon media bag tucked next to a running filter in at least one of my tanks. Never know when I may need a QT tank.
Also, I never know when my MTS will flare up! 😁
This is just my experience, though.
Let others weigh in...
Mature media can instantly cycle a tank. To prove that a tank is cycled add 3 ppm ammonia and test 24 hours later. If both ammonia and nitrite are zero, the tank is cycled.

If there is a delay in stocking the tank, add 1 ppm ammonia every 3 days. As this will make nitrate, a water change will need to be done the day before fish shopping.
Thanks to everyone for the advice. I fully stocked the 10 gallon. water levels are at Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrites 0 ppm Nitrates 10ppm.


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