Cycle Problems


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
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I don't understand what is happening with my cycle so I hope someone can help me out. I am on day 18 of my fishless cycle and everything was running smoothly until I checked my parameters this morning.

I had my NitrIte spike on day 12 (October 16) and on day 14 (October 18) my ammonia went to 0. I continued to add enough ammonia in my tank to read 4ppm and it continued to drop to 0 for the next three days (October 19, 20, 21). My NitrIte was dropping as well (It went to 2.0, 1.0 and around .75) but had not hit 0 yet. I thought I would see it hit 0 pretty soon.

Yesterday I added enough ammonia in my tank to reach 4ppm (my normal routine). This morning when I checked my ammonia, it now reads 1.0! What in the world is happening and what should I do????? I am trying not to panic but I really don't want to have to start the cycle over :(

Somebody please help me

As of today, my parameters read

Ammonia 1.0
NitrIte 1.0
NitrAte 5.0
My PH is 6.6 and the temperature of the tank has been at 84 degrees during the entire cycling process.

I understand that it takes a while for the NitrItes to lower and I anticipated the wait. My concern is that after 4 days of my ammonia going down to 0, today it is now at 1.0 That has me confused.
My PH is 6.6 and the temperature of the tank has been at 84 degrees during the entire cycling process.

I understand that it takes a while for the NitrItes to lower and I anticipated the wait. My concern is that after 4 days of my ammonia going down to 0, today it is now at 1.0 That has me confused.

I would personally add some Interpet 'Filter Start' and some coral chips in a mesh bag, just monitor your P.H so it doesn't go too high :good:
I wouldn't add anything else, you will only confuse matters.

If you give it a couple of days, it will more than likely work itself out, but if you are worried, try a 25% water change then raise back up to 4ppm. You should notice a difference. (remember to properly dechlorinate the fresh water, very important) :good:
I think I'll just do nothing and see what happens over the next couple of days. I really don't want to do anything to confuse the cycle more. Should have known I would hit a bump. :angry: Everything was just going too smoothly.
Well, my PH is down to 6.0 so I guess I do need to get some coral chips to see if it will raise it. I guess that is why my cycle has stalled. I hate to add things for fear that it will mess everything up even more but I don't think I have much of a choice. I have no idea why the PH has dropped this low.

This is starting to get on my nerves but I have gone too far to stop now.

Wish me luck
Yes, I believe a pH increase is the right thing to do. The nitrification cycle has been stalled.... or rather, the nitratification cycle if it's your Nitrite that is still high.

I'm a noob though... but I think I understand the problem.
make sure you dont add ph up liquids lots of people will tell you on here that there not good , too much fluctuation.
I always use coral chips to up the P.H, as they are also good used media and if you need to use them at a later date, a quick rinse under the cold tap will 're energise them', as they are a good source for beneficial bacteria :good:
I added a little bit of baking soda to my water two days ago (per advice from another forum) and that solved the problem this time around. I have had 0 ammonia and nitrites for the past two days. I haven't done my big water change yet as I am waiting for my fish to be delivered next week.

I think that this may have only been a temporary fix. I'll keep checking my PH and if it starts to drop again I will get some coral chips.

A few questions about Coral chips...
I have never seen coral chips so I don't know what they look like. Can you buy coral chips at the local fish stores? Would they be in the same area as the substrate? Also, do you put them in a bag near the filter or in the filter?
In my second tank I had a 'nitrite stall' twice!
Took 7 weeks to cycle completely (nearly qualified for the Tour de France!)

Try to leave for a couple of days to see if it rectifies its self

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