Cutting Down My Plant Plz!


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2008
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Hi there,

I have my tank full, CO2 will be ready to go Wednesday and I have a list of plants that I need to cut back I think, my new lights will be here wednesday and will give me about 2.25wpg

Here is my list are there plants on this list that need more than 2.25wpg or for some other reason plants to avoid?

1. Frontinalis Moss
2. Elocharis acicularis Dwarf hair grass
3. Echinodorus tenellus Pygmy chain sword
4. Hydrocotyle verticillata Marsh Pennywort
5. Microsorum pteropus Java Fern (narrow)
6. Anubias afzelii
7. Anubias Nano
8. Didiplis diandra
9. Rotala wallichii
10. Anubias barteri ‘ ‘nana’
11. Anubias barteri ' ‘coffeefolia'
12. Lobelia cardinalis
13. Echinodorus 'Ozelot'
14. Echinodorus 'Red Devil'
15. Echindorus ‘ Rose’
16. Echinodorus 'Rubin'
17. Echinodorus 'Tropica'
18. Echinodorus Tropica Marble Queen'
19. Bacopa
20. Limnophila sessiliflora
21. Vallisneria sp. 'Contortionist'
22. Blyxa japonica Dwarf blyxa
23. Myriophyllum simulans Common Millfoil
24. Limnophila aquatica

25. Hygrophila polysperma Green Hygro
26. Ceratophyllum submersum Hornwort
27. Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla
28. Ludwigia glandulosa
29. Pogostemon stellata
30. Vallisneria caulescens Braching Val
31. Hygrophila difformis Wisteria
32. Cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii''

Any help would be great.

Regards Darren

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