Fish Connoisseur
Well I have decided that fish lovers are a touch nutty. And proud of it. I can understand what happened, and it surely could have happened to any of us at some time. Whenever I've spoken to live fish suppliers on the phone they are just like all fish keepers, a little nutty and have grieved a time or two.
When I spoke to a girl before they shipped about some shipping arrangements, the girl told me she had had a shoal of Marthae Silver Hatchets like I had ordered for two years. Until her pride and joy an Electric Blue Lobster ate them all.
Very tradgic but also funny.
She was trying to let me know that the hatchets weren't tooo delicate--unless you put them in with a carnivorous lobster.
And you never know when you will need a cycled little tank. I lost a clown loach to ich because I didn't quarantine properly.
When I spoke to a girl before they shipped about some shipping arrangements, the girl told me she had had a shoal of Marthae Silver Hatchets like I had ordered for two years. Until her pride and joy an Electric Blue Lobster ate them all.
Very tradgic but also funny.
She was trying to let me know that the hatchets weren't tooo delicate--unless you put them in with a carnivorous lobster.
And you never know when you will need a cycled little tank. I lost a clown loach to ich because I didn't quarantine properly.