Cute pygmy cories arrived this morning

Well I have decided that fish lovers are a touch nutty. And proud of it. I can understand what happened, and it surely could have happened to any of us at some time. Whenever I've spoken to live fish suppliers on the phone they are just like all fish keepers, a little nutty and have grieved a time or two.

When I spoke to a girl before they shipped about some shipping arrangements, the girl told me she had had a shoal of Marthae Silver Hatchets like I had ordered for two years. Until her pride and joy an Electric Blue Lobster ate them all.

Very tradgic but also funny. :/ ;)

She was trying to let me know that the hatchets weren't tooo delicate--unless you put them in with a carnivorous lobster. :lol:

And you never know when you will need a cycled little tank. I lost a clown loach to ich because I didn't quarantine properly.
about 3/4" is about right for selling, they take quite a while to get to 1", none of mine are 1" and the stripey ones I have had for a year or so.

They are just small little critters, and putting them in cichlids is probably a bad idea..

jollysue said:
When I spoke to a girl before they shipped about some shipping arrangements, the girl told me she had had a shoal of Marthae Silver Hatchets like I had ordered for two years. Until her pride and joy an Electric Blue Lobster ate them all.

Very tradgic but also funny. :/ ;)

She was trying to let me know that the hatchets weren't tooo delicate--unless you put them in with a carnivorous lobster. :lol:


Oh dear... :blink:

Expensive fish/lobster food 'tis though....

Looks like there'll be no corys in my tank- I went for the pygmys because I gathered they liked to spend more time in the mid water than most others and apparently my cichlids could feel harrassed by sharing their lower water territory with bottom dwellers (resulting in aggression etc..)...

Still they were the fish I wanted to keep from starting point dot so I'll just be happy with my lot.
What kind of cichlids do you have?

I have green neons. They are small. small, feeder fish size, not an inch full grown. Our Oscar at work wouldn't even pick his teeth after grabing one of them. I've lost 5 of these neons. I've bought 9; I have 4. They disappeared in a tetra tank. I'm sure it wasn't the cories or otos that did them in. When I put The Girls (two juvie female cockatoos) in the big tank after quarantine I was concerned for them because they are hesitant leisurely swimmers and less than an inch. I am still watching out for them, but they seem to be fine and settled in safely.

I was also concerned for my peppered cories because they were still very small when they graduated into the community tank. They made it. Whew!

Were you counting the tail in your measurement. The tail fin doesn't count. My green neons are 3/4 in. or less--mature size. I can see them but they are neon. :lol:

I think the point is, we try to do the best. We make judgements in spite of our best efforts that endanger our pets. I don't know what an XL dwarf cory looks like. When they came, your only option was to put them in the tank. Couldn't keep them in the bags or run down to the lfs and return them.

I think there is probably a cleaner fish that that would meat your needs. How about an electric blue lobster? :lol:

Well so much for an end to the matter. Would you like to close the thread maroonostrich?
Goldeneyed cichlids- Had been very impressed with their peaceful nature!


I just brought in a female for my male but no signs of spawning or prep for spawning as yet.
:cool: I think I saw your post when you found her. Don't know much about it all yet, but I have an adult cockatoo couple. He appears to have come a-courtin'. She's still playing hard to get but her color is starting to raise and she's staring daggers at The Girls. :lol: I promised them not to tear the tank up decorating after this spawn. A few people in the forum are guiding me.

So far the tetras are more dangerous than the cockatoos. I had to move my hi-fin serpaes. No one's tail fin was safe and they took out the eye of one of their own. They wake up cranky. :)

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