Cute pygmy cories arrived this morning


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2005
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The pygmy cories are here, all healthy and active, from Trimar...

The thing is, I bought them as extra large- XL on the website.. and I can hardly see them!!

They are ADORABLE, but I am actually worried that the NEONS might eat them!! I am currently looking at them next to some penguin fish though...

Maybe I'm just mis-perceiving them!?!
What size tank do you have? I think pygmaeus max at about 3cm, so I wouldn't expect much larger than that. Be careful about food though, in my experience the smaller they are the higher their metabolism, and the more often they need to be fed, so make sure they're getting the food and it isn't being stolen by the other fish.
I have 6 of the tail-spot and 2 of the striped pygmy corys, very cute to watch, deffinately the most active cory I have owned and take to "middle water swimming" unlike alot of corys..

They even school with my sterbai and peppered corys!

:lol: they sound dinky indeed ! Any chance of some pics ? (if they are large enough to capture ? ;) )
I stopped by to post the same question bloozoo2. They sound darling. Maybe they will show up in one of my tanks one day :nod: :D
I think they have all died!! :(

I made a big mistake- they were just too tiny and too pottery to handle life in the tank- I would never have bought them if I had known they would be that small. I was expecting neon sized- I am sure I read they were about 1 inch... they were just too mini to handle life with the neons and the cichlids- and sadly I fished out a few corpses this morning..

2 still MIA..

Nothing wrong with the fish, they were in great nick on arrival, and I worried as soon as I saw them next to the neons, but what could I do? They were here and I had to take the chance...

I'm a murderer!!
Oh no what a shame ! If you can find any of the dead bodie - freeze it and call Trimar to explain. It doesn't sound fair that they are practically sending your "fry" :blink:
and truth be told, if they were really that tiny, they should have warned you to take a bit of extra care with them.
Could well have been my own fault Bloozoo2 though, I maybe should have expected them to be that tiny?

If anyone else searches for info on the web, what size do they get told that these fish are, as I am sure I found information that they were about 1 inch, and therefore not smaller than my smallest neon.
My supplier gives an expected purchase size as part of the description, as well as a brief templated species description.

You must be horrified. I would be. It is tradgic.

I think the only thing you might change in the future is to have a quarantine tank so that you can observe your new fellows before you put them into the community (where it is generally harder to get them out.) I follow the 18 day recommendation which is the ich cycle. I may shorten that if my usual lfs has had them for a few days and it's my days off. (A sweet intellectualization, don't you think?)

I think it is more rightly manslaughter maroonostrich. I am guilty too. :*) :sad: :-( I did something stupid and careless in anger.

I am so sorry for your loss.
Oh dear. I'm sorry for your poor lil fellas. :sad:

I've been waiting on my LFS getting some in for me but they haven't been on the list for ages. 1" (2.5cm) is their maximum size so I would expect them to be smaller when you got them, but not so small you couldn't see them!

They do like to hide so maybe your MIAs are just staying safe?

Maroonostrich said:
The pygmy cories are here, all healthy and active, from Trimar...

The thing is, I bought them as extra large- XL on the website.. and I can hardly see them!!

They are ADORABLE, but I am actually worried that the NEONS might eat them!! I am currently looking at them next to some penguin fish though...

Maybe I'm just mis-perceiving them!?!

Reading this again I focused a little more on the part about ordering them x-large. They clearly weren't extra large. I agree with bloozoo2: freeze one and call Timar. I would expect my mail supplier to do something. It's not like you can see them before you take them home. My mail order/online suppliers always make it right and also give me a future discount.

I am making an assumption here: I never actually saw a post that you had recieved them by ordering them.
Thank you so much for the supportive words everyone, I feel terrible over this!
I mentioned after the loss to trimar that all had died, but I could not tell them why I thought they had- that they were harrassed to death by all my other fish! My big male dwarf cichlid who has never paid any attention to the neons since his arrival certainly considered them food.. and pestered them from introduction.

I measured a tiny corpse at just under 3/4 of an inch- sizes were variable.

I am inclined to chalk it up to experience and not pursue it really. I was very impressed with Trimars customer care and the fish certainly arrived all frisky and happy... it all went wrong when they went in the tank- I really should have asked more about their size when I rang but they were just an afterthough almost because I wanted a female cichlid and they pointed out I may as well have more fish, I remembered liking the look of the pygmy cories and it was sorta.. oh stick a few of them on there please.. I was too flippant about the purchase, though it shows XL next to them on the webby, I'd noticed that too, so I did get a slight shock...

Really, I just want to kinda move on and put it behind me- It's not been a nice experience.

Poor fish!
:-( Awwww that's sad. It is always sad to lose fish. Flippant or not as a buy it's not as if you meant for them to get killed by the others. I feel your pain, in a slightly different way.
I have to tell you, Maroonostrich, I truely believe that the largest burden falls on the supplier. They did not give you what you ordered. You ordered one thing and got another. It is not wrong to buy impulsively, when you buy responsibly. Ask for a refund, because you couldn't keep them that small. No matter how nice they talk, if they don't take responsibility for their mistake, it's just talk. If you're not up to it have some one do it for you. The supplier should be making this easy on you. You shouldn't have to ask a second time.

I just recieved a shipment of three species/20 fish yesterday afternoon. I am concerned about many things for them, but if they don't make it I will have done what I could. As a matter of fact 1 of the otos is not going to make it, They have a warranty, and I know this supplier will honor it with no question.

Well, I just took a break writing this, read the warranty and called about the little oto. There are all kinds of requirements listed for the warranty to be effective. But when I told the girl she said that she had given me credit and just despose of the little guy. Of course if it had been an expensive guy it might have gone different.

Sorry for the rant but you should not be being left with all the responsibility for this. (Although I encourage you again to set up a quarantine tank.)
Thanks Jolly Sue- I have a spare, small tank of about 6G.. since this has happened I have been thinking about what you said and I think it's worth cleaning it up and setting it up as a quarantine tank.. I mean heater, filter and a plant plus some sand from the main aquarium, shouldn't be too hard, save a lot of heartbreak I think..

I think you are right but I don't think I can pursue this, I was so embarrassed that I just told trimar I had no idea why they died and that they did not seem right (which you would not be if a bunch of fish are having a go the minute you arrive in a tank I suppose) they have suggested the water parameters may have been out- I bought two neons as a sort of test two days before the fish arrived and checked my water with my regular supplier at the time, all was well and I did a partial water change and a quick tidy in terms of removing debris from plants from the sand before the fish came, but I can't really prove anything- I disposed of the little bodies (ouch) and was probably too upset to work on sorting this out for best realisation of my consumer rights so to speak. I could not tell them the truth as I thought they would just think I was a total idiot to buy them and maybe not send me anything else in future.

Obviously I have put myself in a position where anything else I would say would make me out to be a liar, and possibly a touch nutty.

It's reassuring though, to think it was not actually my mistake and that the fish were undersized for what was described. Definitely means something to me.

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