Custom Led Lighting Units

Hi Steve,

My tank is 200 litres, 36" x 18" x 19". I'd ideally like medium lighting so I can grow stuff that isn't too demanding (such as Vallis and Amazon Swords, etc), but is a step up from what I'm currently limited to (which is just Java Ferns and Anubias tied to wood).

Any ideas what would be best for me, and how much it would cost?

Hi steve
can you give me a quote and dimensions for a L.E.D lighting for a 6x2x2 seashell aquarium in my post, wanting marine white and blue intensity the tank a glass sliders and approx 100mm between glass sliders and tank hood i can get exact measurment if needed, i will not be growing plants has it will be a malawi tank but looking to grow algae,

dont know what would work best ie lay the leds on the glass sliders or fix it to the underside of the hood

thanks eggo
Hi Steve are you still making the LED lights? I was just about to order a Grobeam 1000 when i came across this thread :)
I am mate, email me as you can't use messaging service
Hiya, can you send me a quote for a 30cm x 30cm cube tank please. I currently have 24w but i used to have 48w over a 60 litre tank. Many thanks :)
email me on the above email address, need more info from you for accurate quote
Have tried to PM you for a quote, but not sure pm system is working, will give it another go now.

Mo's new set
Got my LED unit today cheers steve fantastic job :)


Good looking lights, Steve. Do you ship to the US?
Could look into it for you what you after? Pm me. :)
These look awesome! I would so be onto you for one if i still used CO2

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