Custom Led Lighting Units

FishyWishie said:
I sent Steve another email last night telling him that partly due to me reporting this topic and asking mods for help hes now banned on TFF and that I had raised a small claims action and I actually got a response
"Funny as I sent them out weeks ago, if you haven't received them which I find hard to believe then that's not down to me, if you had been civil and proved you haven't received them I would have built another set for you".
So yes apparently its my fault for not receiving them strange that of all the pm and emails I've sent to him the only one he reply's to is the one about court action and even then its with a bullpoop answer. Also how exactly does he expect me to prove a negative lol
Obviously a load of rubbish from him, i do hope you continue to pursue your case and get some joy.  Unfortunately nothing i can do stuck with 3 u/s bars.  I am surprised to be honest that you got a reply at all!!!.  As it seems he can still build them would love to find out where he is selling them to warn off potential buyers/mugs!!
How did you pay?
If by paypal & not as a gift then you can do a chargeback if it's not too late.
Hope you get it sorted as it's bad to think you've been ripped off by someone here, especially if he was a mod, just shows you really can't trust anyone
any1 got hold of him yet?? and can anyone explain to me how i can go about using small claims court? 

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