Custom Hoods

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Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Cheshire, England

Does anyone know of anywhere on the net who sell or make custom hoods with extra slots for lighting.

I have a Fluval 60x30 hood with only 1.4wpg at the moment and I cant put another tube in. There just isnt any room.

I thought maybe somewhere might make them on the web, but who knows?

I am in the UK. Thanks guys.
I know Arcadia make multi-tube luminaires, I believe one lets you run 4xT5's over a 2' tank, though at ~£150-£200 they aren't cheap, maybe have some?
A few of my local fish shops make custom stands tanks and hoods to order. Have you asked around any nearby?

When I got mine made the only lighting option was T8's so Im just waiting on a compact T5 unit coming through. If you can replace your lighting fixture you might be cheaper just buying a power compact T5 unit such as this one of these. Ive heard more bad than good things about the interpet units so if you do decide to go for PC T5's then Id avoid them.
Ok, found some Luminaires on ebay for cheaper than shops. Might actually go for one of them.

Now, what happens about fish. What if they attempt to jump out?
Take it you could just put a piece of thin glass over the top of the tank???

Not sure if I should set this one out but here goes all the same,

For cheap luminaries, try these people, they also have a website at Im getting one from xmas so haven't used it yet but when it arrived I checked it over and it looked to be an excellent piece of kit, from Germany I think and the Germans are known for their engineering.

I got the 3x24w 2ft hood, for 68quid including postage on ebay, and its 85quid to 'buy it now', so bargains to be had!


EDIT - It'll sound harsh but if a fish jumps out of the tank when you've got an luminary and you're not there to put it back, it'll die pretty quick, the only option is to get some sort of cover, typically glass on bigger tanks that have supports or put a thin sheet of clear plastic/glass over the top, the thinner the better to reduce the amount of light absorbed as it passes through it.
Bargain, if I keep looking at them any longer I may have to buy one. Best turn ebay off quick!!

What about stopping fish from jumping out?
Will a piece of thin glass do?
Thats what I mean. If i get a luminaire i dont want fish jumping out. I wont be there all day to watch either.

A thin piece of glass/plastic looks like the way forward. Cheers for that
I have an overtank luminaire. I used to use a condensation tray to cover the top so that fish can't jump out, until i found out that it'll reduce the light levels. This past week i've been taking the cover off the tank during the day and putting it back on at night time. Haven't had anything jump yet (touch wood). Although having said that, i had a shrimp jump out even with the condensation tray on, through the smallest of gaps.
Since taking it off, i've noticed there's been a lot more of the water evaporating during the day. In my 2ft tank, the water level has gone down almost 1cm in just 3 days.
I got a 2 x 24W 2ft luminaire from EQJ about 9 months ago. Can't fault it at all, especially for the price. Although it took a little longer than expected to be delivered.

Until recently i had it on without a condersation cover and as reported by Voo, was losing a similar amount of water to evaporation. A good 2-3 litres between weekly water changes. I now have a condensation cover that does reduce the light levels, but it's more of a "diffusion" a bit like having a few floating plants in.
Visually it doesn't look like a huge reduction in light......
now where's my light-meter for some further testing :D .
Interesting Morganism, glad to hear the luminarie is good, they get good feed back on Ebay, you got anything else from them?

I lose quite a bit of water in my nano as well, 1cm each week, give for take.

Nope nothing but the lights.

I was a bit apprehensive at first, worried that it was a bit "too good to be true" price-wise but there was no need. If i needed a similar light, say for another tank, I would use them again.

(I wouldn't want to comment on the quality of their filters, protein skimmers etc..)

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