have to watch the tank now tank has reached 29 yesterday and to day the tank staid at 28 with the heater off so just keep an eye on your tank just to be on the safe side
Actually that's not really all that much evap John. For reference, on really hot days my ~75g total system volume evaporates a gallon per day. Unless of course you meant 65L, in which case that's about right...
I spoke to soon about my tank, It was 30 degrees last night, have turned down the heaters and left the lid open last night, now i can not find my copperband
Both my marine tanks have reached 29.0 C today but the fish, corals and clams don't seem too bothered?? Ah well hopefully we will be plunged back to the usual 10 C before long and the world will be put right.. As you can probably tell I am an 'obligate' cold weather person and this sunny spell is really ******* me off..