Current Uk Heatwave

Raising your levels of salt in the tank would cool it by a little bit which could help when combined with other methods.
The hot weather has returned and with temps. predicted to reach 30C, I now, am also having a problem, both my tanks reached 30 degrees yesterday :crazy:
I have just ordered 2 large wall fans, (before prices go sky high :rolleyes: ) I really hope this helps, or I shall delay putting fish in my 5" tank until things cool down.
Luckily I have ceiling fans in most rooms :good: they seem to be managing to keep the temp. steady but the nano did rise to just under 30c the last time :crazy: but think that was because Mr Seffie turned the fans off when he went out :angry:

Seffie x

Good luck guys. As July is right around the corner, we're do for your 90F 90% humidity days anytime now (usually mid-july). A/C, fans, and controller primed and ready over here. I'm armed to the teeth and waiting for it this year :)
both my nano and 100gallon got to 31 degreese
I have not really seen any change of temp in my tank, but then again I have T8's maybe that makes it easier for me.

If you do change to halides then that may be something you may struggle with!! T5 and T8 are much better with regards heating.

I haven't checked my tanks. Thats would involve moving my backside off the lilo floating in the pool and indoors. Nope, not happening.
No change in my tanks yet, but we have got big stand fans running as I dont like the heat, will watch them as the week goes on though, its meant to be a scorcher isnt it.
the temp on my tank is set at 26 but has been reaching 28c

so i lowered the temp on the tank to 24 and now it sits at 26c like i wanted it to. might be worth a try to lower by 2c to get your desired temp.

although on the plus side the heaters hardly on.
tank hit 29 degrees today even with the fan on probably all day!
Mines got over 26 for the first time today :rolleyes:
these old terrace houses (small windows) are good in the summer but cold in the winter!!
Used the sun outside to heat my 50L waterchange today, doesnt get more green than that! :)

Untill I add it to the lights, powerheads and skimmer :p

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