Current Uk Heatwave


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Anyone experiencing any problems.
My Nano has risen to 32'C
Just wondered if anyone else was having trouble.
Wow! :crazy: I was getting worried at 28.5 'C. Im keeping the curtains closed and the blinds down. Also, getting a breeze through whenever im in the house.

Is eveything in you tank OK?
So far, so good. But I don't want this to last from an aquarist point of view.
I've just completed a 18ltr waterchange and managed to drop it by 2'c to 30'c
I may need to direct the household fan in the direction of the sump.
All doors and flaps are open
Mine has gone no higher than 27.5, I have velux windows in the roof which have been open and the patio doors open. If I get any higher I have 2 ceiling fans about 8 - 10 foot above the tank, they will go then.

I have also shown mom today how to check temp and how to put ceiling fans on if it goes above 28. Turned heater to lowest setting too, I may swap the 100w for a 50w for the time being.

EDIT I am also only leaving lights on for 5 hrs on advice from Ski for the time I am away. Should help a bit.
My temp is about 33-34 corals are liking it but fish are not lost two blue neon gobys but apart from that touch wood and running atinics not not halide so its not so warm
Mine has been ok, temp has stayed steady at around 26-27c. However the sun hits the back of the house for the hottest part of the day so the front isnt to bad. Have been going through a LOT more top up water though.

I wouldnt worry about messing around with heaters by the way. If the water is hotter then what the heater is set to it wont come on and if it drops low enough for the heater to kick in then its too cold anyway :)
Surely changing your heaters isn't required if it is a thermostatic heater, they will cut off if the temp of the tank reaches the setting you have stipulated ?
Okay, I will explain why I am considering swapping my heater. My 100 w heater seems to not go below 24 degrees, it is an aqua vital one, it is placed in the sump in a very small return section. Theoretically I should need a 200w for this tank, however as it is heating a small volume in the sump then pushing this water into the tank it seems to heat it above the 24 degrees it is set at, maybe this is a fault with the thermostat or with the numbering on the heater. My 50w which is a visitherm (much better heaters IMO) does go down to 20. It seems if it is hot to compensate I lower the temp, always have done, even in my 55g freshwater which has an aqua one it seems to need some compensation either side of the required temp in this house during summer or winter. In winter if I do not raise the temp on the heater a couple of notches (Our house is heated by a coal/wood fire, is stone built) the temp in the tank can fall to 22 degrees from 28. To keep the tank at a constant temp, I adjust the temp setting on the heater, I have done this for the last 3 yrs, I always thought it would just heat to the temp set and then switch off, it does not seem to work like that however. I have also tried several different heaters and several different brands so it is not a broken heater I am dealing with, it also happens no matter which tank. I have a feeling in summer the tank can manage with a 50, but in winter it may need the 100 or higher. In the 55 it has 200w, in summer could prob get away with 100w but need higher in winter.

I believe it may be something to do with the way the heaters are set to work. They are supposed to heat water slower, eg. If fish tank is 22 degrees and it should be 28 degrees it will not heat the full 6 degrees in one go, it will do it slowly so as not to stress the fish, this is deliberate I believe in the manufactur of these heaters. The other thing is with the actual wattage the heater is and the tank size it is supposed to be used in. A 50w in a 200 litre tank will struggle heat the full size of water to a point where it is over heated, a 100w in the same volume of water will maintain this temp easily and could potentially overheat it, quite easily. I do not believe they are accurate enough to maintain a temp set on the thermostat. A more expensive one with temp probe just might be, these glass ones, I doubt.
i ordered an ATC-800 last night as i'm getting temps up to 26.9 yesterday, really wanna try and stop the temp swings and it seems the thermostat in the heater is crap so we'll see. gonna get some fans to act as a chiller as well.
doesn't help having a 400w halide pushing out masses of heat as well!
I've been posting about my heat headaches for about a week now. Sorry to say it BigC, but I'm glad I'm not the only fishkeeper suffering ATM :sad:

For now, blinds and a BIG fan are helping with the heat, but I've gone from 1-1.5l a day in evaporation losses to closer 3-4l a day :crazy:

All the best
doesn't help having a 400w halide pushing out masses of heat as well!

Thats one thing I like about the T5's (and one reason im still using them instead of a MH) they dont chuck out queit as much heat and with the arcadia units I have most of the heat goes out the top of the unit so it doesnt add that much heat to the tank (also helps that the tank is opened topped too).

I was thinking about getting MH units (going to be cheaper in the long run then 8 t5 tubes) but I might leave it until winter :)

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