Current too strong in 29gal. What to do?


New Member
Nov 7, 2002
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So my Oranda finally came in and as he's only 2inches in length I'm temporarily housing a 2inch gold telescope eye for one of my friends till her tank is cycled.

Now I use a marineland bio-wheel 330 with an extension as a filter and I think this is too strong for them since they look like they're fighting against the current. I just took off the extension, so the filter tube is only about 6inches into the tank and they look like they're doing better.

The problem now is that they can move around the bottom half of the tank fine but they can't go up to the top since the filter's current is too strong.

Could anyone recommend something to help reduce the current on top? Would adding fake lily pads help?
I'm so used to keeping tropical fish that I totally forgot that fancy goldfish have trouble swimming in currents.
:( :( :(
Can u turn the output so it projects the water up and just over the water of the tank if understand provided it is not to powerful it should kill almost all of the force of the water as it hits the water while still obviously providing filtration and it would also agitate the surface of the water nicely for diffusion to occur, might make a bit of noise :p . Its an idea haven't tried it myself but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
Thanks for the info Will.

Yeah they seem to be ok.
I tried feeding them floating food but they just couldn't reach the top so I opted for gel food and it worked great.
Gotta buy some regular sinking food

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