

Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2009
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Birmingham UK
Evening all i was just wondering if you guys could give me a bit of advice , i have a 95ltr community tank and im after a couple of colorful fish the LFS have advised me to have either a pair of Kribensis or a pair of Ramirezii , the question is whats the best to have ?
What fish are already in the 95l?
What temp?
How much water turnover per hour?
fish 2 balloon mollies , 2 neon tetras 8 rummynose tetra 6 cories (various) and 1 clown loach , temp 26oC and filterd by a fluval 205 external filter
That clown loach shouldnt be in there! They grow to be huge and need a massive tank.
Given you have cory catfish, I would personally rule out a pair of Kribs straight away, as Kribs will almost certainly breed and then all those catfish will not stand a chance, as Kribs are very protective parents (just like my Lionhead Cichlids). A single Krib might well be ok, but a pair would sentencing your catfish to death if they stayed.

Your Clown Loach is going to need a big tank upgrade (think 6-foot long or more) and also needs ~5+ "friends." You do realise these fish reach ~25cm long?

The Neon Tetras could do with a big increase in numbers, to at least six, but they would look great in a group of say ten.

It would be helpful to ID those cory catfish, as some common species like Peppered will not do well at 26C, as they prefer a temp of ~22C.
the clown loach i have had 2 years brought it with 3 others , unfortunatly 2 died after about 2 months and he seems very happy on his own , and the cories are 2 peppered 1 bandit and 3 albino which i have had in the tank from end of cycle
the clown loach i have had 2 years brought it with 3 others , unfortunatly 2 died after about 2 months and he seems very happy on his own , and the cories are 2 peppered 1 bandit and 3 albino which i have had in the tank from end of cycle
just because hes happy now doesnt mean he will when he can no longer turn around in that tank.....
PS: your neons need more of their own species, 2 is not enough....
when the clown loach get another inch in length he will be rehomed in a larger tank and also the neons if i had any more they seem to die
Mate, Kribensis are alright when they're not breeding; they get really aggressive when they are apparently. Rams are nice fish, great colours and decent temperament.
If you were looking for a pair of colourful fish that are fairly passive, check out the Apistogramma Agasizii. I had a pair of these, lovely fish. Ask your LFS, should be able to order them from the wholesalers for you.
As for some of these other posts on this thread, chill your beans blud! The dude was asking about the Kribs and Rams, not the clown loach and tetras! Reply to the question.
Mate, Kribensis are alright when they're not breeding; they get really aggressive when they are apparently. Rams are nice fish, great colours and decent temperament.
If you were looking for a pair of colourful fish that are fairly passive, check out the Apistogramma Agasizii. I had a pair of these, lovely fish. Ask your LFS, should be able to order them from the wholesalers for you.
As for some of these other posts on this thread, chill your beans blud! The dude was asking about the Kribs and Rams, not the clown loach and tetras! Reply to the question.
I think you will find that these other members were wanting to give some valued advice on the clown loach/tetra's before Smithyif went and parted with his money on some Kribs or rams.
i havent parted with any money yet , and i was just asking advise which i will take in , and until my fish start to look ill or the tank over crowded/fish to large then i will rehome them in larger tanks cheers for the advise
You might get away with an Apisto of some kind, very colourful fish, especially the males. Check out the fish as my avatar that's an Apistogramma Caciatuoids. If you get a male and a couple of females you'll see them scouting round the tank displaying to each other, and they only get defensive when they're nesting, but I don't think they're as bad as Kribs, not from what I've seen.

BTW I do agree with the other posts about the neons and the clown loach. The good news is the clown loach will only grow slowly. The bad news is they are as sociable as neon tetras or cory's and prefer to be in large groups, which is why you really need a big tank to keep them happily. The neons will probably school ok with the rummynose tetras. Mine happily mixed with a group of Harlequin Rasboras until the last one pegged it a few weeks ago.
Me personally i bought a pair of Golden Rams (which i LOVE) i also got balloon rams! They are happy chaps with aload of colour!

Ive seen ChrissyBoys' Apistogramma and it looked unreal! He also had a group of about 35 Neons! and looked wicked.
I have a pair of Kribs with Corys, and have never had a problem.
MY tank is 240L though, so I guess there is enough space for everyone.

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