cultivating daphnia indoors


Fish Gatherer
Dec 1, 2006
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The Goodeid Room
cultivating daphnia indoors

how to start up a moina culture
moina is one of the smallest of the daphnia species , things to consider when kepping daphnia 1. type of container and volume of water , 2. type of lighting if needed, 3, type of filter or aeration if needed. 4. / types of food to feed, The method I use with great success Is to use 35 l. plastic drums easy to maintain and move about in the fish room when needed, I fill up drum / container with old fish tank water I add some powdered bakers yeast to water and mix into a liquid and pour into drum into water go slightly cloudy then add 30 to50 Daphnia after about 4 days of water will go clear then add more yeast and repeat approximately every 4 days it can take 3 or 4 weeks to get well established , I don't use any form of aeration after 3 or 4 weeks water will start to smell so need to do water changes my daphnia receive natural daylight through window water temperature 68f which seem to suit them well,
Daphnia populations can crash at any time usually by overcrowding or overfeeding

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it really is worth the time and effort
I'm running five tanks of moina and three 2 foot fish tanks of daphnia pulex , I tried to take a better picture of the baby moina you can see thousands of them among some of the adults.
if you start to get a film on top of the water do a water change or add water from tank today I've added 4 points of tap water which has been standing for 24 hours , when feeding yeast it will slowly go to the bottom of container and form a type of skin which will eventually float I find the best way to move it is with a small plastic jug


Culturing and raising daphnia is one of those things I’ve been threatening to do for ages but haven’t . I will eventually do it and when I do it , it will probably turn out to be easier than I thought . Most things do . Any time a guy can use more and various live foods his fish will be healthier, spawn more and the aquarium will stay cleaner .

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