
You can also try zuchini. Mine love it. I've tried yellow squash, but the seeds go everywhere.
When feeding cucumber for fish, say the bristlenose pleco or corys, how big should the cucumber piece be? And do you have to shed the skin or do you just have to chop it to little pieces?

I've always wanted to try feeding cucumber but how do the fish normally eat it since its so hard to bite?

When feeding cucumber for fish, say the bristlenose pleco or corys, how big should the cucumber piece be? And do you have to shed the skin or do you just have to chop it to little pieces?
When feeding cucumber for fish, say the bristlenose pleco or corys, how big should the cucumber piece be? And do you have to shed the skin or do you just have to chop it to little pieces?

I just chop a cm wide section off a normal cucumber, chop that in half across it's diameter and stick both pieces poking out from under a rock as they are. You should notice the middle go in double time, and the rest follow afterwards.

Sweetcorn sounds a good idea, but the fish might find the skin too tough. I'd squish the middles out and chuck a few of those in and bin the skin.
I feed chunks of raw potato, only leave it in a few hours though because it breaks up.

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