

Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Just Outside Cardiff, Wales
By next week or the week after I'm hoping to be ready for the CUC in my 125ltr :good: not really too sure on numbers and what exactly i need, turbo snails and hermits deffo (which type of hermit?) is there any decent online (UK) places I can get a pack of or just the cuc cheaply? I have a feeling MA will be quite expensive for the lil guys!

I can't add any cleaner shrimp yet right? Would anything else along with the hermits and turbos be beneficial?

Cheers :)
Turbo / Astrea
Dwarf Hermits (blue leg / red leg) don't mix though, some people had problems.
Cerith snails
Nassarius vibex snails


I won't give you numbers as I tend to have a slightly heavier stocking it seems than most on here. I followed steelhlrs recommendations in the FAQ pinned topic. He gives a min and max per gallon for each member of the CUC.

Steelhlr also in one pin suggets an Emerald crab, now these are very useful at eating hair algae however Trod will tell you about the problems she has had with hers and it involves falling rocks.

Each snail listed does a different job, I think Steelhlrs pin tells you which snails eat what. IMO Nassarius are a must, they are the busiest snails I have, always doing something, go fast for snails and do this great trick where they lose footing on the glass, drop to the sand, flick themselves over and zoom off somewhere else to get busy busy busy.

Hope that helps at least a little.

Seffie waited to add the shrimp, I did not, mine did great but how often this is the case not sure. My lfs lady was so confident she said she would replace it if anything happened, so I added him.
Hi Josh

In my 40g I have 5 x Red legged hermits; 1 x Blue legged hermits (did have 2 but i think Mr Hawkfish got it); 2 x Turbo snails; and 2 x Peppermint shrimps.

The hermits are always busy :good: I believe that the Peppermints have eaten any further small Aiptasia, as i haven't seen any since putting them in.

Will probably add a couple more Turbos when i find some big ones. Small ones would be too tempting to the Hawkfish :nod:
i have on order for my 125 liter

5 red legged hermits
4 turbos
4 ceriths
8 nass snails

and i am going to give the tank a bit of time to mature before adding shrimps i will then be adding:
1 blood shrimp
2 peppermint shrimps
Tiger you have a great memory :good:

in my 126 I have:

approx 8/10 or more Nass, as you say they are busy little things

about 4/5 turbos, two are very big, I also seem to have a few tiny babies

four hermits - supposed to have been blue legs as they are like lawn mowers but I think at least one of them is something else

Two fire shrimp

Two true peppermint shrimp

The shrimp hang out in different parts of the tank

Seffie x

Thanks alot for all the unput guys :D

Is it a good idea to put them in in stages or all @ once?

Think I'll try and get 6-8 nass, 5 turbos and 4 blue legged hermits :)

I'll get the shrimp a bit further down the line, let everything settle for a bit :good:
Thanks alot for all the unput guys :D

Is it a good idea to put them in in stages or all @ once?

Think I'll try and get 6-8 nass, 5 turbos and 4 blue legged hermits :)

I'll get the shrimp a bit further down the line, let everything settle for a bit :good:
blue legs are capable of killing snails for shells, but some people have had them not do this.

im adding my crabs and the turbos 1 week and the ceriths and nass the next
Tiger you have a great memory

Thanks, its partly photographic, you would not believe the daft things I remember, not looking forward to getting old, don't want to lose it.

Truck the two are definately better, they hung out from the word go and don't forget my tank is smaller than yours by about 30 litres.

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