Cryptoheros Cutteri 'rio Mongu' Journal

Thanks. Hopefully get some better ones when they're not being rounded up by mum every 2 seconds!

Plan is to raise them and sell them. (cheaply)
Sometimes i'm glad there's a distance between our locations minnnters or i'd have some serious stocking problems :lol:
All going well still, was a bit worried when they had been shepherded to the corner under the filter intake, so I switched it off a bit until they had moved. Will try and net it tonight.
<br />All going well still, was a bit worried when they had been shepherded to the corner under the filter intake, so I switched it off a bit until they had moved. Will try and net it tonight.<br />
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Hi Minnnt, long time no see, but thrilled to see you have set up a Cryptoheros tank and that you have had almost immediate breeding success. I am keen on some Cryptoheros Nanoluteus although I love these too. I have not heard of this species by its latin name until recently. Are normal "convict cichlids" the same genus ?

How are you finding them with your plants ? And can you share your water parameters with us ?

Thanks :)
Hiya mate, nice to see you too. Don't see you much on this forum any longer. :(

They're great, but they do dig as with most cichlids. They haven't ate any plants, but there is usually some Dwarf Sag floating that has been moved, especially now the fry are free swimming. A more robust planted tank would be fine, but if considering them with finer leaved, shallow rooted plants then probably best to rethink your stock of fish or plants. Pretty sure they would ruin a carpet of any description.

Convicts have been part of this family, but are now classified under Amatitlania nigrofasciata. :S But yeah, i still consider them as a Convict relative.

Cryptoheros nanoluteus are nice, i believe Ross at Oddball Express can source these for you if you struggle. He may even have them in stock. Their intense colour would stand out very nicely indeed within a planted environment. For me though, Cryptoheros panamensis are also on my wish list. As are Sajica's too. :lol:

I've had Jade Eyeds before, Archocentrus/Cichlasoma/Cryptoheros Spilurum (see what i mean about re-classification?!) which were lovely and also Honduran Red Points, again, Amatitlania siquia/Archocentrus sp. Honduran Red Point/
Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point. Of all the ones i have owned the HRP's were by far the best coloured fish, but the male was really aggressive towards the female which would often lead to her being wedged up by the filter/heater. The Jade Eyeds were very similar to the Cutteri, but the Cutteri show far more colour. Both males treated their lady wives very well and showed no aggression what so ever.

I once saw a group of Mynae 'Topaz' for sale on ebay and passed them up, wish i had gone for them now, Cryptoheros (or whatever they maybe called today!) are an excellent group of fish that everyone should have experience of owning at some point in their fish keeping lives.

My water is pretty much perfect for most Central American cichlids. Roughly around 7.6 in that tank and is pretty hard too. Nitates are usually constant at 20ppm.






Jade Eyed's:






Bored yet? :lol:
id love a big cichlid tank :D loads of diff species in it aswell
This is Ditch, Coldcazzie is now the proud owner of her.


Oh, and i was a million percent sure that there was no way that my Ellioti, 2 Spot could have got anywhere near the spawn to fertilise the eggs... hmmm... how wrong was i? :lol:
Hey great pics matey. And Ditch is lovely too, bless. LOL. How big do the Elliotti's get ? They are S. American yes ? So my water would be more suitable right off the bat ?
<br />Ellioti usually get to 6&quot; on average. <br /><br />What is your water?<br />
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I think 6" may be too big for the tank but am not sure... Its 80cm x 45 x 55 tall (175L) Quite spacious but will be guided by someone who knows their cichlids more than me.

Water comes out of the tap at pH7 <20ppm nitrate if test kits are to be believed, 3dKH and 8dGH. TDS is quite high at about 450 !!! I currently have Colombo florabase plant substrate underneath Unipac samoa sand and this buffers the water down to 6.3/6.4
Thoricthys are centrals to and would appreciate your tap water rather than the 6.3 in your tank. 3ft would be minimum I would say for an Ellioti.

Cryptoheros kind of size would be perfect really for you. Just get shut of the co2 and florabase that are lowering your ph.

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