Sorry about the absence, family stuff came up. No pics yet, the below is just a brain dump on stuff that's happened so far.
Ronan is slowly declining. His colours have greyed out a little, he's got a faint stress stripe, he's laying on the floor more, and his growth is bleeding. I'm not sure f ympho needs, but I know cancerous tumors can.
The snail on his side of the tank died. It fell off of the mopani and landed on its back. I flipped it over, it got stuck on the sand, I moved it onto the mopani to give it something solid trip so, but it never moved after that. I'm not sure what happened, the other one is grazing around like nothing happened.
Magnus seems to enjoy the new tank. He was doing laps yesterday, poking around in the leaves, inspecting the water lettuce roots... he's a pretty active fish
He had a suspiciously large stomach yesterday, though. Not sure how many shrimp I have left. I can usually find one if I poke around in the leaves, but I don't like stressing them out.
The plants have already turned toward the light! They're beginning to melt, but I should have ferts in after this weekend. The mystery plant is doing surprisingly well. Good stuff for two bucks