Creating Strong Current


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2006
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I am creating a white cloud species tank - 29 Gallons. I read that these guys like strong current and well oxygenated water. I have a Penguin 200 for the tank, which is rated for up to 50 gallons. But was think about running a Penguin 100 on the other side to create more current. Would that be overkill?
I can't comment on if it is overkill, but I can make a suggestion for currents - look into powerheads, I believe their called. They take water in and push water out, and can be used for a variety of purposes. They are often used for undergravel filters.

I have never used one, so hopefully fellow members can say if this a good option. Here's a link to differnt powerheads.
Thanks for the feedback. I already own a Penguin 100. So I was hoping to use that. But, if that doesn't work out, I will look into the powerheads.

Would running a 200 and 100 in the same 29 gallon create too strong of a current?
I have a powerhead stuck near the bottom of my tank to blow dirt off the sand and into the filter which has created a current along the bottom of the tank which my rasboras love.

Running both filters may create a problem for smaller fish. According to this link;N=2004+22769, the two filters would create a total of 300gph, which would filter the entire contents of the tank almost 11 times per hour, which would be overkill in my opinion. However if you do want to try it I would suggest putting the filters on the same side. In that small of a tank, putting oversized filters on both sides would create a whirlpool effect because the current on both filters would hit the front of the tank and then swirl around. The only way to know for sure is to try it out, if they fish seem to be struggling or staying in the corners or bottom of the tank, then you have to much current.
I am creating a white cloud species tank - 29 Gallons. I read that these guys like strong current and well oxygenated water. I have a Penguin 200 for the tank, which is rated for up to 50 gallons. But was think about running a Penguin 100 on the other side to create more current. Would that be overkill?

I have a powerhead but right now I'm not using it. I bought it for my black finned sharks (catfish) they like it but known of my other fish did. I have moved my catfish to another tank and made it a brackish tank and the powerhead is to strong, I plan on using it once I get a bigger tank for my cats. Anyways powerheads are a good way to go if your looking for a current I have a pengiun, but if you go that route I suggest gettin a Aqua Clear, its not submerisble but you can buy a filter atachment that makes it a filter powerhead in one. The best thing about this powerhead is you can control the the amount of current you want, with the pengiun I have you can't do that. The other route you can go is a underwater filter that has a power head bulit in which I may get once I get a bigge tank for my cats. If your just looking for a current though powerheads will give you that. The also have powerhead that rotate which looks pretty nice.

Watch the way your fish act and the water and you will know if its to much or if they don't like it.
You can always use something to block the intake of your powerhead. Sponge, filter floss, governer plate etc.

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