ORA green birdsnest, thats going in for sure. Really beautiful! Thanks!
Hello all, a quick update.
My aquaclear 110 power filter came in, and i will have iton the tank within the next few days. I have to move my tank out, and will be taking out some water, corals and 2 of my fish. I dont mean move to a diferent area, just slide it out a few inches. All animals are doing good, gsp spreading already.
Hey, quick update.
Yesterday, i went to a petco like 30 minutes away from me, and guess what? They had Corals! My loal petco has a tiny SW section, and local petsmart dosent. This petco has duncans with like 5 heads for 35$, and Blastos for only 12$. Not to mention they have montis, acros, and Ricordia!
On another note, tank is doing fine, havent added anything in a while.