Crazy Question / Idea!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2011
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Hey all!
As some of you may know I recently bought a secondhand Juwel 125L tank, it's a real beauty. I can't start cycling it until the end of April due to the fact that I'm moving house, which leaves me a lot of time to sit around pondering and dreaming up ideas for stock!
I was thinking about ideas for tropical stock, but then I got to wondering if I should switch to cold water for a bit of a change? I'll explain where this came from, hahaha...when I went to rehome the 4 mollies I rescued today I had a bit of a wander around the store (of course!) and I saw these comet goldfish which were just too adorable for words.
So I was thinking...should I make the tank cold water and have a comet or fantail goldfish in it? Or should I go tropical?

Basically, I'm wondering:

Cold Water Setup?
x1 Comet/Faintail Goldfish

Tropical Setup?

x2 Bolivian Rams
x4 Pearl Gourami
x10 Endler
x5 Black Ruby Barb


x4 Bolivian Rams
x2 Pearl Gourami
Same number of Endlers and Barbs

What do you guys think? Tropical with lots of fish or Cold Water with 1 goldfish? It's a long way off, obviously, so I've got lots of time to talk through it with you guys and plan it all out before the cycle so I'm well prepared and organised. :3

Also, according to a q a d v i s o r .com there aren't any problems with the stock lists I've come up with, but to be honest I don't really trust that site. I'd much rather listen to you guys.
Cold Water Setup?
x1 Comet/Faintail Goldfish
If you're happy dealing with lots of heath problems. Personally, I would still want a 6ft tank for any goldfish.

Tropical Setup?
x2 Bolivian Rams - I would want a 4ft tank if I was to keep these
x4 Pearl Gourami - prepare for murder spree, they should have an over 3ft tank and will fight if you keep more than one in a tank that small
x10 Endler :good:
x5 Black Ruby Barb :good: but probably not with Endlers, unless you want them to have Endler snacks

x4 Bolivian Rams - prepare for murder, and as above, I would want more swimming space for them
x2 Pearl Gourami - as above
Same number of Endlers and Barbs - as above

Also, according to a q a d v i s o r .com there aren't any problems with the stock lists I've come up with, but to be honest I don't really trust that site. I'd much rather listen to you guys.
So that's what everyone has been using! Erm, yeah.. I would avoid that website altogether, if I were you.. and research the species instead..

So.. how about:
* pair of cockatoos or another easy Apistogramma
* 15 rummy nose tetras
* 8 male Endlers
* 1 small pleco (under 4") or 6-10 Corys
Oh, great, so...a no-go on everything. :(
Well, this is why it pays to ask questions! Thanks for your advice.
Back to square 1, then...I've NO ideas at all now! Seems like everywhere I turn my tank is either too small, too shallow, or I can't have any of the fish I want. Bahhhhh. xDDD This is so frustrating.

Slightly unrelated question now, I'm just does one cycle a cold water setup? Surely 29C as a cycle temperature is far too hot...?
I've always wondered that lol.

So.. how about:
* pair of cockatoos or another easy Apistogramma
* 15 rummy nose tetras
* 8 male Endlers
* 1 small pleco (under 4") or 6-10 Corys

I'm not a fan of very small fish, this is my problem...that's why I decided to go for a much bigger tank than my 25L. :/ Not a tetra fan...I only liked the Endlers because they're flashy, lol. I like Checkerboard Corys but they're not much of a centrepiece!
How big do the Apistogramma fish get?
It really comes down to preference, with the goldfish u won't be abe to add any other fish but cold water fish, me personally I would go with the first tropical fish selection.but think it over what tank sounds better to you?
Well all the websites I've read have said that a full-grown Comet requires a minimum of 30 US gallons, and mine's 33 US gallons so I thought I'd be alright to have him in there. :/ But I guess I've got a lot of time to completely rethink all of my ideas, hopefully something will crop up! I'm just hoping to avoid my only options being tiny shoaling fish (I like to give them names and feel attached to them individually, since I see fish more like pets than decorations and I'd struggle to differentiate between tiny tetras xD), as I'm not a huge fan, like I said.
A 6-foot tank seems HUGE to me just to house one fish (hardly seems worth it!), especially when most sites advocate the 30 gallon minimum idea, but I'll do some more research around it for sure. I've seen goldfish kept in tanks the same size as mine, but I'm not one to argue...I'll hold off on the idea until I know for sure.
Thanks for your advice. :)
I'll keep asking around, though!
Slightly unrelated question now, I'm just does one cycle a cold water setup? Surely 29C as a cycle temperature is far too hot...?
I've always wondered that lol.
Most people just dump them in and do a very poor fish-in cycle. Responsible people cycle at 29C and then drop the temperature before getting any fish.

I'm not a fan of very small fish, this is my problem...that's why I decided to go for a much bigger tank than my 25L. :/ Not a tetra fan...I only liked the Endlers because they're flashy, lol. I like Checkerboard Corys but they're not much of a centrepiece!
How big do the Apistogramma fish get?
Eugh.. the thing about big fish is that they need big tanks... Most Apistos get to 2-4" with decent care, some males will get to 5" with age and good care, so doesn't sound like what you really want.

Well all the websites I've read have said that a full-grown Comet requires a minimum of 30 US gallons, and mine's 33 US gallons so I thought I'd be alright to have him in there. :/ But I guess I've got a lot of time to completely rethink all of my ideas, hopefully something will crop up! I'm just hoping to avoid my only options being tiny shoaling fish (I like to give them names and feel attached to them individually, since I see fish more like pets than decorations and I'd struggle to differentiate between tiny tetras xD), as I'm not a huge fan, like I said.
A 6-foot tank seems HUGE to me just to house one fish (hardly seems worth it!), especially when most sites advocate the 30 gallon minimum idea, but I'll do some more research around it for sure. I've seen goldfish kept in tanks the same size as mine, but I'm not one to argue...I'll hold off on the idea until I know for sure.
You have a really difficult requirement, you know! A single fancy goldfish would work for a few years, but you would need to do that with the knowledge that you would have to upgrade or, when the time came, swap for a young fish (which I know for a fact that I can not do because I get too attached to them). Off the top of my head, I can not think of a single large fish which doesn't need space. I will get back to you if I come up with anything.. if you don't hear back in a week, send me a reminder.
You have a really difficult requirement, you know! A single fancy goldfish would work for a few years, but you would need to do that with the knowledge that you would have to upgrade or, when the time came, swap for a young fish (which I know for a fact that I can not do because I get too attached to them). Off the top of my head, I can not think of a single large fish which doesn't need space. I will get back to you if I come up with anything.. if you don't hear back in a week, send me a reminder.

Thanks so much for all your help, KittyKat. :) I'm not trying to be difficult, I promise! I know big fish need a big tank that's why I thought I'd be alright with a 125L! xD To me that's a big tank, LOL. Although since joining this site I'm starting to think 125L is actually small...crazy.
Based on what you've just said, though, I'm feeling a little more confident...could I buy a juvie Comet/Fantail and upgrade in a couple of years when he gets really big? I know they take a few years to get from 2-3" to full size, and I'd certainly be able to afford a bigger tank in a few years, maybe even a 5 footer so I could house him properly if he really needs all that space as an adult. I'd be more than willing to do that if need be!
Do you think that could work, then? :) Buying a juvie with plans to upgrade eventually? I definitely wouldn't be able to swap, no no no.

I'd also like to add that I'm leaning more towards getting a Fantail Goldfish rather than a Comet Goldfish...and I know they don't get quite as big! I'd still only buy a juvie for this tank though, and upgrade in a few years the same as I would for a Comet...I just wanted to point that out hahaa.
For fancy? Even something like a Fluval Roma 240 may be enough in the long term.. but I can't guarantee how large your fish get.

From what I remember when I kept them (and this was a long time ago), it normally took mine about 2 years to outgrow a 100/125 litre aquarium from 1" to 4-6"), but it took 7-10 years for them to get to adult size, sometimes longer.

I would suggest that you get maybe 3-5 1" fancy goldfish for now with a view to upgrade the tank in 2 years at the latest, and top that off with 1-3 weather loaches once you have the large tank.

You really do have to be absolutely sure that you will be able to give them a bigger home, the sort of sure where you will put aside at least the funds for it in the next few months, will look into which part of the house will take a tank that size (assuming you do not 100% know that you will move by then). Starting with a small tank which you know you will need to upgrade is not a nice thing because there is always a possibility that you may not be able to afford it later.
For fancy? Even something like a Fluval Roma 240 may be enough in the long term.. but I can't guarantee how large your fish get.

From what I remember when I kept them (and this was a long time ago), it normally took mine about 2 years to outgrow a 100/125 litre aquarium from 1" to 4-6"), but it took 7-10 years for them to get to adult size, sometimes longer.

I would suggest that you get maybe 3-5 1" fancy goldfish for now with a view to upgrade the tank in 2 years at the latest, and top that off with 1-3 weather loaches once you have the large tank.

Well that sounds like a perfect solution! I'll get 3 Fantail juveniles and once they get to 4-6 inches I'll upgrade to a bigger tank, which won't be an issue at all because I've been planning on upgrading ever since getting this 125L. :)

You really do have to be absolutely sure that you will be able to give them a bigger home, the sort of sure where you will put aside at least the funds for it in the next few months, will look into which part of the house will take a tank that size (assuming you do not 100% know that you will move by then). Starting with a small tank which you know you will need to upgrade is not a nice thing because there is always a possibility that you may not be able to afford it later.

Oh no no don't worry, I'll be able to afford it for I said I'm already figuring out funds and such because I've been wanting to upgrade since buying this new tank. This is a perfect solution for the next year or two, and I'll definitely have a bigger tank for them by then, something like a Juwel Rio 400. :D And a new one, as well, not secondhand. ^^ So don't you worry about my ability to upgrade, there's no issue there! I'm just delighted I can have goldfish in the tank I have now if I buy babies. :3

Thanks so much for all your help!
For fancy? Even something like a Fluval Roma 240 may be enough in the long term.. but I can't guarantee how large your fish get.

From what I remember when I kept them (and this was a long time ago), it normally took mine about 2 years to outgrow a 100/125 litre aquarium from 1" to 4-6"), but it took 7-10 years for them to get to adult size, sometimes longer.

I would suggest that you get maybe 3-5 1" fancy goldfish for now with a view to upgrade the tank in 2 years at the latest, and top that off with 1-3 weather loaches once you have the large tank.

Well that sounds like a perfect solution! I'll get 3 Fantail juveniles and once they get to 4-6 inches I'll upgrade to a bigger tank, which won't be an issue at all because I've been planning on upgrading ever since getting this 125L. :)
I would even upgrade at 4", if it was me.. at any rate, a Rio 400 would be a perfect tank for adult goldfish and will hold a nice number. Do keep up with regular water changes because they are messy fish.
For fancy? Even something like a Fluval Roma 240 may be enough in the long term.. but I can't guarantee how large your fish get.

From what I remember when I kept them (and this was a long time ago), it normally took mine about 2 years to outgrow a 100/125 litre aquarium from 1" to 4-6"), but it took 7-10 years for them to get to adult size, sometimes longer.

I would suggest that you get maybe 3-5 1" fancy goldfish for now with a view to upgrade the tank in 2 years at the latest, and top that off with 1-3 weather loaches once you have the large tank.

Well that sounds like a perfect solution! I'll get 3 Fantail juveniles and once they get to 4-6 inches I'll upgrade to a bigger tank, which won't be an issue at all because I've been planning on upgrading ever since getting this 125L. :)
I would even upgrade at 4", if it was me.. at any rate, a Rio 400 would be a perfect tank for adult goldfish and will hold a nice number. Do keep up with regular water changes because they are messy fish.

Of course, I've read all about them this past week and I'm buying a more heavy-duty filter than the one I have Fluval U2 won't be enough for goldfish. :p
I'm on it! Again thanks so much Kat, you've been an enormous help. :)
I think you might get away with 2 Rams, certainly not 4 though. A 4ft tank would be more suitable though
Thanks John, I've decided to go coldwater though in the end. :)
I'm definitely going to steer clear of the aforementioned website though...I'm pretty flabbergasted at how inaccurate it is.
Haha you bet! I can't start my cycle until the end of April, so I'm hoping I can get my hands on some mature media and have the cycle finish in early June, so it's a while to wait for pics I'm afraid! D:

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