Crazy Pitbull Plec....

As a guide the chap who I bought mine off sells them for £9.50, although he gave me 4 Otos, 4 pitbulls and 19 Cardinals for £50 and personally delivered them (lives near me. lol). The first time I got pitbulls (before my CO2 disaster) he gave me 4 for £35.

Its good that he's settled down and I guess him trying to group with the Otos is a sign that hes a little lonely.

Colour wise you'll find that it isn't a colour morph. Pitbulls are like Chameleons!!

When they're on light coloured sand and they will go almost the same colour as the sand and lose their 'freckles'. When they're in the shade or in the plants they will go green/metallic and freckled again. When they are in a very dark area they gain an almost Oto like complexion (although green not grey and no black line. lol) You'll notice that for a few minutes after leaving shade and coming to the light they will retain the greeny colour, and often 'bury' themselves in the sand until they change to the lighter colour.

Enjoy and I'm glad you got him some friends.

If you're wanting to bread them (once they're up to their 3 inches) then do cold water changes. The heater will bring it back in line so turn it down to 23/24. They breed much like corys in that they lay small batches of eggs on the glass. When they hatch they are smaller than a pinhead and very difficult to see.

I haven't personally bred them yet (wrong time of year to try to keep the tank at that temp when theirs 2.5WPG heating it up too. lol) but I have seen Marcus at Pleco Aquatics and they are cute little things (3 days old and using the 10x zoom on my camera to se them!!!!)

Cheers Coley, got these two for £5.50 a piece....
Got to say, thanks for the info but i'm 99% the'contaminant' isn't a jumbo....
Been googling ans searching PC like crazy, can't find him but he doesn't look like any morphs i can find of pitbulls....
Bit shy still but i'll post a pic as soon as possible, he's eating like crazy and rasping more then the other 2, seems to be uninterested when it comes to grouping with them.
Then again the new definate pitbull seems to prefer my beaufortia kweichowensis to the older pitbull....

They were sat together like this for a good 40mins, until i disturbed them....
Anyway, excited, hope i did get something different (as long as he doesn't get too large)
Got him....

Completely different colouration dark green (almost black) with light green-yellowish wiggles on head moving to spots further down the body.
Dark caudal with 2 light green-yellowish stripes. No green to the dorsal like my other pitbulls and the ones in the LFS.
Anyone? (pitbull probably :X )
Parotocinclus spilosoma has been kindly suggested on PC, i thought this seemed similar when searching the cat-e log earlier...
Any opinions?
Didn't think so, i love contaminants always interesting....
Loaches are the best for this but maybe i'll start apllying the find the odd one out principal to plecos....
Oh, ps; cheers for the breeding advice, can you sex the jumbos? If so, how?
Thanks again and in advance erm... :S
Got to run... TFF is going to get me the sack!
Apparently in the male the pelvic fins are longer and finish after the anal fin starts (when they spread their fins out).

The females pelvic fins are shorter and finish before the anal fin. like this little diagram.
Male on the left and female on the right. The red fins are the ones youare trying to 'gauge'.

Being able to judge this is a different matter, and I always stuggle.

Thanks again coley, very useful :good:
Can't give it a go now, its nap time time for the fishies....
I'll update if i can notice a difference, if indeed they are different sexes, fingers crossed.
The odd one out looks like a dwarf gold spot ;)

(Just checked the proper name and its right... Parotocinclus spilosoma.)

we got one in our group of pitbulls to :D


Yeah, noticed on PC....
Thought you'd be able to I.D.
Cheers smithy!
Does yours group with the jumbo?
Seems like the odd one out in my tank, although the most confident.....

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