Crazy Pitbull Plec....

Got a vid, i've been panicking and swaying between hypoxia and a stress response.
Its certainly not hypoxia, thats just my li'l brain flapping.
Stress response possibly but he/she seems absolutely fine during the day.
Wondering if its habitual as in there was something done in the LFS that made encouraged it to act that way.
Any hints or answers very much appreciated, if not just feel smug that i've taken another slightly confused fish out of circulation.....
i bought a pitbull on saturday and put him in with my Betta, and he does the same...but not quite to the extent yours does :p
Maybe it is a response to being kept alone... Considering no one i've spoke to who keeps them in groups has observed it in their own pitbulls.
Does yours do it with the lights on? (you know what i mean)

Anyhow rang the LFS today and the quarantine continues :angry:
none of ours do it... and I kept one on its own for a while as i couldnt catch him to move tanks...

looks quite good fun though :)
i dont have lights in that tank (yet, till i've made my own hood for it with lighting). Mines kept alone with my Betta, but im planning on getting a few more tomorrow. Although he hasnt being doing it recently, but then again i've been away all week with work, but i havent seen him do it since iv been home :p
Looks more to me like it is going up to where the filter outlet is splashing to get some air!!! I would make sure that the water is circulating and the filter is big enough for the tank.

Pitbulls rarely venture from the bottom, except to graze.

Not as nocturnal as most plecs but still wouldn't go up out of the water to the light.

I would test your water params too.

What else is in the tank?

If it is going up for air then its not due to an oxygen lack....
Its in a hillstream loach tank, its WAY over filtered (2 filters both providing at least 1 and a half times the reccomended filtration) with both outlets directly splashing onto the waters surface; to create a current and keep the oxygen level as high as possible for the loaches, its also at 22 celcius.
No ammonia, no nitrite not sure on nitrate but i water change every 2-3days to keep the loaches happy, so i doubt the nitrate is particularly high. Last time i checked (week and a half ago) it was around 20ppm....
No symptoms of hypoxia with any of the fish in that tank, i also thought pitbulls were commonly found in fairly polluted oxygen starved waters?
I'm fairly sure it was just a settling issue, he has calmed down now. Maybe a panic due to me not having phased lights and him looking for a light source.
Also he spends a bit of tie on the tank glass because he is trying (occasionally) to group with my oto's, that should be sorted today as i'm off to get some pitbulls today. The neverending quarantine :yahoo: has ended.....
Thanks for the tip supercoley :good:
How much did they cost in the end?
I'm buzzing, can't wait for the new additons.....
Back... got 2, one of whom is a strange colour morph or a contaminant fish....
I'll post when i get a pic for another id, hopefully?

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