Crazy Catfish?


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Ok, I've always wondered about this and finally decided to seek advice... my bumblebee catfish is perfectly normal by day, sleeping under the bogwood and only popping out to grab lunch, but by night he obsessively swims in circles with his face pressed against the front wall of the aquarium. This is basically his only activity. I've never seen him swim around the tank normally, just in circles like this. I'll try to get a video of it sometime, as it is quite amusing to see, but is this normal behaviour or is my fish just defective? :p He's healthy and fat as a cow, this much I know, but I worry about his sanity.
My khulis did that for hours on end before I gave 'em away (I had six). Actually, I had platies that did that as well... I guess it's just a crazy little fish. :p
Hes just lonely, bumble bee catfish like to have a few of their own kind about to hang out and have all night parties with before slinking back to their caves when it gets light again.
Hes just lonely, bumble bee catfish like to have a few of their own kind about to hang out and have all night parties with before slinking back to their caves when it gets light again.

You know I think I must be getting more knowledgable now as that's the first thing I thought of. He's lonely, needs someone to play with. :(
yeah, i'd buy that too. the face-to-glass swimming is something that SAPs are famed for doing; mine's always done it and nmonks' used to spaz like that too. but once nmonks added some more SAPs... no more neurotic puffer. (i'm just waiting to get the kribs out of there before i get any more puffers)

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