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nothing is impossible if you accidental brought eggs home and they hatched in the gravel and now are swimming but as cation say some pictures would be you proof its just sound unrealistic for this to happen and you cant supply a picture of any kind so how do you expect us to believe some eggs taken from a nest will hatch but this is limited to may 3-4 fry as i have tried this to save from an egg eating father but the hatch rate is small........all we ask is some pictures of your fry not of the picture you showed, but boil an egg and use the har boild yolk a very small amout in water to feed the fry........... :nod: :nod: :nod: ........... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
well... to clarify everything... I think I might have danio frys...

First off... I had some danios in the fry tank about 3 days ago. Usually takes danio eggs 5 days to hatch but 2 days with glowlight which is what I have. What appeared to be guppy and betta frys are infact danios. If you read my specs further up, they match danio frys completely...
LuBear said:
the eyes and stomach are much smaller...

EDIT: Nevermind... they look like danios... watdou know... I have danio fries... aww crap...
LOL, sorry to be so harsh on you earlier, but betta fry are so delicate, and in this forum we all know that! :lol:

Lucky for you, we have some major danio freaks on this board, and I bet you can get help with the care of your fry in a heartbeat from one of them. TheWolf knows a LOT about danios, you might want to pm him...

Good luck :thumbs:
well congratulatiuon :hey: on you fry what ever they turn out to be still feed egg yolk but make sure its very small amount and keep the tank clean from any uneaten.......... :cool: ..................... :rofl:
For danio fry you'll need to feed them Liquifry no.2 for egglayers if they are to survive- its fairly posible the fry are danios, they can lay their eggs in the hundreds but these would have normally been gobbled up by other fish, but its posible you have survivers. I strongly suggest you get a separate tank for them as they realy won't last with all the other fish in there.
thanks alot guys... what.. .10 posts in 5 minutes... hehe. Well, they were in the sperate tank... I was reorganizing the 5 gallon so I could through my betta in there. But when I got there, I noticed these little things. So... I put a net around the filter and blah blah... tadah!
Tokis, sometimes it's just a matter of unneeded complications lol.

And I'm glad they're not bettas, messiahs of the betta world would be a very scary thing....

Of course, they would go after all those evil stores that keep other bettas in cups.... :shifty:

Good luck LuBear :thumbs:
just wanted to add from my own experience that once upon a time my tank had danios and then i put the bettas in to breed. further down the line when he was caring for them, 3 of them turned into danios. so it goes to show that even the male betta couldnt tell them apart.

congrats on the babies though :)
ya... it's just that I didn't expect them and I didn't know where they came from.

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