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I've been breeding Bettas for months now, and I just can't imagine something like this happening. They simply would not live.....

Where did you get them? You said the pet store was breeding Bettas.... Were they breeding them in the same tank as the Guppies? If so, they're idiots, and you shouldn't shop there again, just so you know. If in the world would the "Betta fry" have gotten into a bag, and you take them home? Females are fertilized externally from their body, and store NOTHING FERTILIZED within their own bodies.
well... they weren't in the same tank as the guppies... they probably werent from the LFS anyways. I don't really care how they got there all I need to know is how to take care of them.
But part of figuring out how to care for them is figuring out precisely what they are.

At least you'll know when they grow up...if they grow up.

The egg paste is a good idea at the moment, especially if they ARE in fact Betta fry (I can't imagine that they are, but most fry in their youth look identical to other species of fry). Try to get some frozen BBS from the pet store. My Petsmart doesn't carry it, but the local smaller fish stores sure do. I also managed to find some frozen rotifers at a small fish store, but I haven't seen them anywhere else. If they are very young Betta fry, then BBS and rotifers are going to become your best friends right now.

If they are Guppy fry, then they'll love the BBS and rotifers, too. Mine get the same thing I feed my Betta fry, and they're thriving.
There are definatly guppy fry, im sorry but a single male cannot give birth to babys and guppys are notorious for breeding on a rapid scale. You have alot of fish for a small tank and i know you are making a larger tank, but i strongly advise you at least buy another tank in the mean time depending on how long its going to take to make your tank- how large are you planning it to be?
For future reference guppys are livebearers, so any guppy or other livebearer questions goes in the livebearer section of the site unless its emergency etc :thumbs: .
If you don't do somthing very soon about the amount of fish you have, you will just get desease after desease and fish deaths.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
There are definatly guppy fry, im sorry but a single male cannot give birth to babys and guppys are notorious for breeding on a rapid scale. .
The other factor in this equation is that the fish in your tank would have gobbled up those fry in a heart beat. And everyone who is saying this is next to impossible is right.

If you have magically created betta fry, you'll need appropriate live food. Without, it's likely the fry will die, despite being miracles.
it is impossible... but at the same time, read my other post.
All baby fish look the same. Do you have a camera? Take pictures of yours and let's see them.
it looks just like this... but without the bubble nest


  • betta_fry1.jpg
    17.5 KB · Views: 34
Nope, I want a picture of YOURS. You are new member, asking us to believe in something that sounds patently ridiculous, I want a picture of the fry in the tank.
okay... even tho my camera dosen't pick it up... they are the smallest things! Barely 2 mm long. Why the hell wont you believe me!
Doesn't make any sense. I think they're danio fry, it's a more plausable theory.
It's nothing personal about us not believing you. We simply know Betta fry quite well, as breeders, and know that this is simply IMPOSSIBLE.


Here's a picture of a Zebra Danio fry. See how much they look like Betta fry?

Edit: Yes, they're egglayers! So are Bettas. But Danios lay their eggs in the substrate, and, with you having removed the adults, the eggs were allowed to hatch and become these little wigglers you see before you.

What you have is Danio fry. I'm quite certain of it now.
the eyes and stomach are much smaller...

EDIT: Nevermind... they look like danios... watdou know... I have danio fries... aww crap...

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