Coy Goldfish, Dwarf Blue Gourami, Tiger Barbs

Just a little note here ... most people who have outdoor ponds where they keep their fish also have large tanks indoors to house them during the winter. They don't just let them freeze. It's a question worth asking when you're looking for a new home for them.
the person i know just has a grotto area beside their house with a very small pond in it. they do not have tanks or anything else. i think just a frog lives out there LOL. IF i kept them what are some suitable tank mates for them?
someone said a pet shop here does pet "trade-ins" but these guys have lived side by side for years and i dont want them to get separated.
We still need to determine what type they are. Are they fantails? Orandas? Comets? Shubunkins? What? Please google images to get some examples. Are they long-bodied (like pond goldfish, comets, sarassas, shubunkins, etc.) or short-bodied ('fancy', fantail, telescope eye, ryukin, lionhead, ranchu, oranda, etc.)?

The care and possible tankmates is very different depending on what type of goldfish they are.

If the pond is large enough they don't need a tank for the winter, a floating de-icer is all that is needed for many ponds.

What you could keep with them varies according to type of goldfish and tank size. Are you asking if you kept them in the 55 what could go with them? If so, what type are they?

Do you have craigslist or an equivalent? That is a good way to get them a good home that you could 'interview' and know they will be well cared for and stay together.
What about the zoo?

I think if you want to keep them you could pose the question in the cold water category. I don't know much about what they do well with.
All goldfish are best kept in species only tanks, if they're not in a pond, which all of the long bodied, single tailed varieties should be. It's only the short bodied, 'fancy' goldfish that should be in tanks.

They're just not good enough swimmers to be kept with 'normal' fish; they either get stressed by the other fish dashing about, the other fish grab all the food before the goldies get enough, or the other fish shove them around and nip at them.
There some options, but they have to be chosen carefully. I won't discuss them until we figure what type of goldfish these are, as that greatly affects possible tankmates.
here they are, should help. prob would just be best to try and get rid of them, i just thought they were cool cause they are several years old, good size, and have been side by side all along.


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One is a solid white comet, the other is a calico fantail. They obviously get along fine, but in general it is not suggested to keep long and round-bodieds together. It isn't always an issue, but in many cases the long-bodieds outcompete the round-bodieds for food.

It sounds like the comet is stunted so will not get to fill potential (over a foot). If you wanted to keep the two of them in the 55 alone they would probably do well (with good food and water of course). You wouldn't really have room to add anything though.
Bottom line is you'll do what you like. We are trying to give you the best advice we have. Really. If they lasted for a really long time in the 55g with all those other fish, then maybe you should just keep them there. Looks like you have a really clean tank with sparkling clear water, and that's a good thing. Good luck to you.
thanks alot! the tank is awesome looking. just learning more about different fish and who needs what and who can get along lol. i appreciate the info.

another quick question! how long will the bacteria live in filters if you keep them in water? i have 2 filters i got from a girl today about 6pm and have kept them in a "butter tub" filled with her tank water. i am cranking up another 29gal tonight and want to use that media. making sure it will still be viable?
About 24 hours the bacteria can survive for, until they start dying off. Glad you are deciding what you want to acheive with the tank, my persnal opinion is rehome the goldfish, and you can get a lovely selection of tropical fish in a tank that size, but if you are attached to the fish then keep them
The bacteria needs ammonia to survive, so the sooner you can get it going the better.
honestly i am thinking marbled and koi angel fish in the 55 if i get rid of the goldfish. theres a guy that has 12 of them in a 55 and its AWESOME looking. i was thinking more like 6 though. i re-homed the neons, glowfish, and guppies into the 29gal along with a dozen ghost shrimp, seems to be doing good :good: i replaced them with 3 pictus cats that are really cool! i am cleaning this tank/filter now and will have the media in the water in the next 30min so i think i will be alright. MTS has stuck here.....
Oooooo, you got it bad, bro! Let's start seeing some photos of all this good stuff!

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