Couldnt Resist A Few More Pics

Wood porn right there! Put it away
sweet and a very very cheap price i payed £125 i think for mine
£125 on a piece of wood?!
You must be made of money! :blink:

I'd much rather pay £8 for that BEAST. :lol:

(Edited spelling mistake)
ha ha ha mine was 3 ft long though and 2 ft high
I'll try and sort out my photobucket account, they have gone from large to enormous, even the eliotti can't dig them up. Mind you their growth has been to the detriment of the Vallis, that's dying by the handfull, :sad:
That's the image title, there should be a box with the image forum code in it?
hover your mouse over the image , a list will appear underneath it . copy/paste the bottom 1 directly into the thread

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