Could you do better?

SirM, if you ever open that shop (on winning the lottery!) please let us know.
It sounds like heaven on earth :D
*shrug* If regular aquariums that charge an entrance fee can get by, why couldn't one with a fish store attached?

If I had a fish store, I would concentrate on the knowledge of the employees. I would test them on their knowledge and provide extensive training. They would not be permitted to work a part of the store that they are unfamiliar with. Also, they would be trained to lightly quiz customers with questions such as, "What kind of tank do you have? Is it cycled? What other fish do you have?" etc... This would serve two purposes. It would help make sure the customer knows what they're doing, and encourage them to talk about what is probably one of their favorite subjects...their fish.
Teaching an old dog a new trick.

My dad used to keep tropical fish many years ago (about fifteen), which I suppose is what got me interested and why I got my first tank when I bought my new house.

At that time there was no Interent and if someone had mentioned cycling I'm sure my dads answer would have been something like "what are you talking about I have a car"!!

I am not sure how long we have known about the cycling concept, while I agree that it is good that we are constantly learning new techniques to improve the quality of life for the fish we keep has anyone had difficult expereinces of trying to convince someone that has been keeping fish for years that they are doing it wrong or at least could do it better?
Fair enough - but what's the point of life (in general) if we couldn't care to strive to improve things. Isn't life about learning and being open to new things. Not just fish keeping but any and everything in our daily lives. Do most people not care and just accept everything as they stand ? :/

Surely striving for improvement is nothing new ? :dunno:
maos said:
not have kids workin in them that are just there to earn extra money to drink cider on street corners on a saturday night and know nothing about nothing!
i dont think that is a very fair statement as i am 16 and only a kid and i think that comment is a bit random and generalising about kids today
I think you guys are taking that comment by Moas the wrong way. I think what was *meant* , was - having kids to work who are actually interested in working and enjoying what they are doing with a keen interest - as opposed to those who really have little interest in fish, but think "hey, a job is a job".
bloozoo2 said:
Surely striving for improvement is nothing new ? :dunno:
Striving for improvement isn't something new. I do think however the majority of people do just take things as they stand however. If they didn't pet foods that are more nutritious wouldn't cost so much more than the others. The cheap dog food with mostly corn would be gone ect...
Have you ever heard the phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

If something works for someone, and well, it is very hard to get them to change, because for them, there is no reason to change. If it isn't working, people are much more open to suggestions. A while ago, we had a story in the betta forum of a shop owner that kept bettas in vases with plants, changed the water with regular tap water, no conditioner, changed water once every two weeks for 1/2 gallon and fed once a week. These are horrible conditions for a betta, but the bettas were surviving, we suspect they were BECAUSE of the neglect. Little ammonia was building up since they were hardly fed. The problem was, the shop owner had not lost a betta in years under those conditions, so he saw no reason to change.

*shrug* Some people just can't be changed. You can try to convince them, but the only person that can change someone is themselves.
bloozoo2 said:
Do most people not care and just accept everything as they stand ? :/
unfortnately yes...

fortunately, those individuals that do strive for change and improvement are the leaders and millionars of tomorrow :flex:
Like abstract (any many others) I think we would all like to see the bar raised at pet shops.

There is a LPS near me that gives employees commission based on their sales of animals. They are encouraged to put a puppy in every customer's hands ... they charge around $400 to $500 for mixed breeds. You're lucky to get a person to help you with fish because they all want to sell puppies. Places like this are immoral. I would like to see pet stores that really care instead of stores that masquerade as hip, healthy, and knowledgable stores when really they're total schlock stores. These are the worst stores because the really crummy nasty looking sickly-pet stores usually run themselves out of business.
abstract said:
bloozoo2 said:
Do most people not care and just accept everything as they stand ?  :/
unfortnately yes...

fortunately, those individuals that do strive for change and improvement are the leaders and millionars of tomorrow :flex:
Yipeeee ! I look forward to be a millionaire soon then ;)

But seriously - I find it very hard to understand that people do not care and just accept things as they are. Are they tired of life ? :/ Or could they just really not care ?

Sorry to go slightly off topic (but still somewhat relevant)
I look at my own lfs - it's a husband and wife running it, but it can honestly do with so many improvements. It's not the worst, but by a long stretch not the best either. And improvements don't have to cost a lot of money (necessarily) - however time and effort yes. I don't understand how people can do a job day in a day out and essentially "waste" it by not improving things all the time - or at least trying to. To me that's like wasting a large part of your life :/
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
maos said:
not have kids workin in them that are just there to earn extra money to drink cider on street corners on a saturday night and know nothing about nothing!
i dont think that is a very fair statement as i am 16 and only a kid and i think that comment is a bit random and generalising about kids today
Stereotypical views are great huh? *sigh*

Quite sad really, I work at my LFS and happen to think Im pretty damn good at what I do, I get paid the least and do the most work. Seems fair right? :unsure:
Ugh, yes. Theres an lfs that really has potential but wastes it. Its a 'family business', has a great selection but filthy tanks with dead fish everywhere. Serioulsy, all they need to do is shuffle a few tanks around, clean them a bit more (ie. sometimes instead of never)keep the tanks to simple decor (ie, no ornaments, just a sand/gravel base) and make sure all fish in a tank are compatable, and remove dead ones. Its not hard, the only hard bit is the original effort to start it.
I am sure the business for fish in that shop isn't very good. SOOO, they think it wouldbe a waste of time, since they don't sell that many fish anyway. What they don't realize is that if they put that effort they would sell more fish. There is a lfs in my area that is the same way.

Instead of bonuses on pets sold I would give workers raises for how much they know. If they learn enough about a new type of fish to pass a test, they get 5 or 10 more cents an hour, or whatever.

I would also focis on selling fish from local breeders. All those people who end up breeding fish at home, purposely or not, can bring them in. Livebearers, cichlids, bettas, etc. The less my shop would have to rely on fish farm shipping potentially sick fish, the better.

I would also have an aquarist club based out of the store. My own lfs lets our club meet after hours in the fish section. We have speakers, socialization, etc, AND the owner gives out gift certificates and lets us shop after the meeting. Everybody ends up spending more than their gift certificate covers. (I got one for $10 last time and spent $20) Not only good for $, but definitely promotes good feelings among the best customers.
bloozoo2 said:
But seriously - I find it very hard to understand that people do not care and just accept things as they are. Are they tired of life ? :/ Or could they just really not care ?
it is a natural human phenomena known as see it everywhere - when it comes to change, politics, money, world affairs....people, in general, are too concerned with what is happenig right here, right now (that is, in their lives) to look at the future and the world outisde of their bubble. many people think change takes too much time, money, and effort so never bother. other people have other, "more importan" things to worry about. if we cant even get all of our people to vote (which directly affects their futures in so many ways), why would they change their method of fishkeeping (i believe that is what the original topic is, although i kind of forgot haha)...

apathy is a strange, strange thing....and if you can avoid it, IMO, you can be a much more involved individual in the world around you

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